Occasional tuner error with TVE

Occasionally, I will get a “Couldn’t connect to tuner” error when trying to tune a TVE channel. Re-tuning the same channel almost always works. Any thoughts?

Check the DVR log for when it happenned.
Most likely that TVE channel had to be re-authenticated.

I don’t see anything telling in the logs:

2024/01/20 18:17:31.568392 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6102 FOOD
2024/01/20 18:17:32.347829 [SNR] Rewriter statistics for (Kitchen Apple TV) for ch6102 FOOD: discontinuity_detected=0 transport_errors=0 saw_pcr=false saw_pmt=true highest_pts=0.016556
2024/01/20 18:17:32.348116 [SNR] Buffer statistics for (Kitchen Apple TV) for ch6102 FOOD: buf=0% drop=0%
2024/01/20 18:17:32.348185 [SNR] Streaming statistics for (Kitchen Apple TV) for ch6102 FOOD: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
2024/01/20 18:17:32.636406 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-YouTubeTV for ch6102 FOOD
2024/01/20 18:19:25.117757 [TVE] stream timestamps: food: start_at=2024-01-20T18:18:25-05:00 end_at=2024-01-20T18:18:53-05:00 live_delay=27.22175s

If that's all the dvr log displays then you should probably submit diagnostics.
Not sure if they would want them from the client device or the server.

That s what I was thinking.. thanks :grinning: