Off Topic, or What's for Dinner?

Just ran an uptime command on my Ubuntu server running on an Intel NUC. 287 days.... :blush:

Move away from Windows and you will likely never have to restart the server

That’s mean … but I agree. Seriously though, I have several servers that I run for my home. I’ve needed to restart some but can’t remember a time where I needed to restart Channels. Curious about a use case.

Fair enough. I wonder if there might be a less drastic method to reset that piece. I’m an old it guy. I tend to think of my servers as life support systems. Don’t reboot them unless you have no other choice.

But then again, it’s a universal remedy. Thus my therapy.

Don’t worry about it. Folks are having a bit of fun. I’ve actually wished for the same thing from time to time.

I think we’re going in circles here. All this has been addressed. Let’s break for dinner and have happy thoughts.

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Somebody’s hungry, isn’t he?

Humbly suggest Mexican.

I am having Tacos as I read and laugh on this thread.

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I’m making chicken burritos.

I made fresh guacamole. Yum.

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:laughing: I like your humor. :slightly_smiling_face:

No and no. You can get your own after you figure out how to restart your server. After that, guacamole is relatively easy. You’re welcome for the inspiration though.

I had a former employer who had a group of windows servers up for over 1400 days, each.

That just means you’re way behind on updates.

Not me, but yes, they were. They broke their golden rule of only updating one server in group at a time. Taking core functionality offline.

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Oh well... Sometimes it's fun to crash and burn at work, I get this sinister satisfaction when the system crashes. But I'm not an IT manager, I just clean tables.

The burning question still remains.
What was for dessert

I’m old, so according to tradition, I drink my dessert :cocktail:

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This was most of yesterday's service, sadly we don't serve dessert though.

I'm thinking of making it an NFT

Since we are doing off topic.

Clean your dryer vents. At least once a year. This is what I pulled out of 1 vent yesterday. Just 1 vent.