OliveTin for Channels: An Interface for Misc Channels DVR Scripts & Tricks

Gotcha. I have tried all different ways even the default link isn’t working. The first test should be my original image link and the second one should be the default one but it’s not showing up for some reason. On the latest release and so is channels.

He didn't include the url in his post, just (https://)


Should have been



Could you post the OliveTin stdout from a couple of your test recordings where the image link is failing?

Should look something like this:


EDIT: I'm thinking this issue could actually be something related to genres. What are you putting in that field?

Updated version of OliveTin-for-Channels pushed this morning as bnhf/olivetin:latest.

Notable changes/additions:

  • Turning Comskip Off/On by channel is now one OliveTin button with an off/on dropdown.

  • Scanning and Pruning of local content has been added. Also a single OliveTin button, with scan/prune options. As requested by @Fofer and @cyoungers.

  • Logic for adding multiple Genres in Manual recordings has been fixed. Use commas to separate additional genre assignments.

Awesome, this is looking better and better. I just updated, all settings were retained, and the two scripts I had running were still running with the latest version, newly deployed. Thanks so much!

If others are interested, this would be a good, easy addition to OliveTin for Channels.
Marking a recorded program as not having been recorded (Tells the DVR to forget it was recorded).

There are many reasons for wanting to do this posted all over the forum.

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For Pluto and some other custom m3u channel sources you need to url encode the ProgramID because it contains forward slashes.

so the ProgramID becomes pluto%2F5fb9b0975eb0df001b147c3b%2FS4E17
curl -XDELETE 'http://x:8089/dvr/programs/pluto%2F5fb9b0975eb0df001b147c3b%2FS4E17'
curl -XDELETE 'http://x:8089/dvr/programs/pluto/5fb9b0975eb0df001b147c3b/S4E17'
won't work and returns a 404 Not Found.

Probably best to url encode the ProgramID for everything.

How does this strike you for a script -- with OliveTin prompting for File ID:



recordingJSON=$(curl http://$CHANNELS_DVR/dvr/files/$fileID)

programID=$(echo $recordingJSON | jq -r '.Airing.ProgramID')

curl -X DELETE http://$CHANNELS_DVR/dvr/programs/$programID

The last line hasn't had a real world test yet, but up to that point the correct URL-encoded Program ID is returned.

And, something like this on the OliveTin side:

Sounds good

Never saw that type substitution before and was thinking sed 's:\/:%2F:g', but great if it works.

Might have to single quote the url in linux because of the url encoded % characters, not sure

curl -X DELETE 'http://$CHANNELS_DVR/dvr/programs/$programID'

Give me an updated YAML and the shell script and I'll try it out.

Let me know if the single quotes are needed. Give bnhf/olivetin:test a try if you would please -- includes above script and updated YAML.

It works without the single quotes.
Tried a normal, Pluto and another custom m3u channel ProgramID and they all worked.

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Thanks! bnhf/olivetin:latest (test and latest are once again the same) now includes this "Mark an Episode for Re-Recording" feature.

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I would use OliveTin for Channels instead of running my scripts if I could specify an override for the env variable $CHANNELS_DVR IP address and port for each Action Item since I run four DVR servers.

Maybe an override field and if nothing entered, then defaults to the one specified in the env variable.

Don't want to run 4 OliveTin for Channels containers, one for each of my DVR servers!

Conceptually, what if we set it up so that you could specify however many $CHANNELS_DVRx variables you want, and then have a drop-down to select say 1-9 to specify which you want to use?

And, as I think about it, the drop-downs could probably have the actual [hostname or ip]:port listed. Since OliveTin seems like something of a "convenience tool for power users" at this point, it makes sense to me. I have two CDVR servers myself, with a third in view -- so I like the concept.

That sounds like a winning idea. As long as you can view the [hostname or ip]:port on the dropdown.

Ok so here is where I am at now. Sorry for not replying back sooner been super busy since yesterday.

I have updated to the latest image and it seemed as if it fixed itself. I am seeing images in my manual recordings now but for some reason I am recording a PPV from Peacock currently from a manual recording and it isn't showing up in my collections named Wrestling. I have tried to find the show in the library but just shows up as an episode and I can't edit the episode to be able to put it in the Wrestling Collection. Any ideas as to why the genre isn't working correctly?

Since it's a manual recording, you would have to edit metadata on it to match any others you want it to match with.

I tried to edit the manual recording but it’s not allowing me to. When I search for it and try to click on it nothing pops up. Just shows the episode and a play button but does nothing. I tried to find it in my library but can’t find it there either. I guess since it’s a manual recording it isn’t attached with anything making it unfindable until you search for it.

Is there a way to title the show for the manual recording to able to find it as a "show" instead of an outside of a "show" and just an episode? And as well the genre to work as well but since it's only showing up as an episode that might be why it's not showing up in my collections.

For the tests I've done, all of the "Manual Recordings" have been grouped together in my library:

And I could add them to a collection:

I'm guessing though that these are all being grouped together by virtue of being manual recordings, which might not be what you're after.