Yes I do, how can I pull the image?
Create a Portainer-Stack using the docker-compose described in the first post of this thread. Then in the environment variables section, you can switch to Advanced mode and paste the sample variables in, followed by changing the sample values to your actual values:
Iām such a noob, all of my selfhosted stuff is running by creating a yaml compose. Is that also possible to do?
That's what we're doing here. Portainer is a WebUI that allows you to more easily manage yaml-based docker-composes and environment variables. It also supports creating and managing docker volumes, which you may need if your docker host is different than your Channels DVR host. Lots of other cool stuff too.
Spinning up OliveTin via the command line, or command line based compose is of course possible, but that's not the way I'm supporting it. I think you'll find it's a worthwhile tool to get familiar with, for Channels extensions, and your self-hosted stuff.
Here's all the stuff I run that's Channels-related. I have other docker hosts running things related to other projects -- all managed by instances of Portainer:
I think I got it with the yaml method,
version: '3.9'
image: jamesread/olivetin:latest
container_name: olivetin
- 1337:1337
- /volume1/docker/channelsdvr:/channels-dvr
- /volume1/chDVRtve:/shares/dvr
restart: unless-stopped
That's generic OliveTin, not OliveTin-for-Channels.
When I generate a Channel Collection M3U playlist, how can I get it to pull the M3u for a specific collection I made in my dvr? In the collection section do I type the name of the channel collection?
I have it under this "TV" but I keep getting "Channel Collection not found: TV"
Can you post a screenshot of your Channels Collections page from CDVR, and also for the OliveTin Action with the data filled-in?
I bet your Channels DVR server is not found at "local-server:8089", as that's just an example value. However you normally get to Channels is what you want to use for that value. Personally, I like to use hostnames, but most people on the forum seem to prefer IP addresses.
So my Channels DVR server can be found at http://media-server6:8089, but yours might be something like You'll need to update that environment variable accordingly.
Feel free to post the other environment variable values you used and I'll let you know if any others look like they might not be correct.
You'll want to stop your OliveTin stack to update any env values, and then click the "Update the stack" button to launch it again.
The first seven are not OliveTin-for-Channels environment variables, so I'm not sure where those came from.
CHANNELS_DVR_ALTERNATES is only for people that have more than one CDVR server -- so delete that one, unless you do have multiple servers.
DVR_SHARE is probably wrong, as that's another example value. This should be the full path on your Synology where the "dvr" directory can be found. I believe it should be something like /volume1/.../.../.../dvr -- but you'd replace the ... parts with the actual folder names in the path from volume1 to dvr.
DVR2_SHARE is also for people with multiple Channels DVRs.
EDIT: I'm not sure /data is valid on Synology either, as I also think it should start with /volume1 -- but I'm not a Synology user.
EDIT2: There are some OliveTin Synology users though, so you can search this thread to find some relevant info like this:
I got it now, was able to generate the m3u, I'm trying to map those channel numbers. Thank you!!
I am trying to get this setup in Unraid and the DVR_Share is failing.
I am not sure what exactly it is looking for.
My share is setup in DVR/channels-dvr
But I get the error. Not sure what to put in for DVR_SHARE.
-v '/mnt/user/DVR/channels-dvr/':'DVR_SHARE':'rw' 'bnhf/olivetin:latest'
docker: Error response from daemon: invalid volume specification: '/mnt/user/DVR/channels-dvr/:DVR_SHARE:rw': invalid mount config for type "bind": invalid mount path: 'DVR_SHARE' mount path must be absolute.
See 'docker run --help'.
This can either be a network share (which means you need to create a volume in Portainer first), or it can be a local path if OliveTin is running on the same machine as Channels DVR.
Basically, it's the path to the "dvr" folder in Channels DVR. For me, it's an SMB share:
But everyone's setup is different of course. If you need to set up a Portainer-Volume, there's some detail on that here:
I use Unraid and not Portainer.
One of the prerequisites for OliveTin is Portainer, not that you can't get it going using another container manager -- but Portainer is cross-platform, so once you know how to use it -- it works everywhere.
But back to the problem at hand, are OliveTin and Channels DVR both on your Unraid box?
-v '/mnt/user/DVR/channels-dvr/:/mnt/dvr'