On Later "On This Week" "Specials" (anything in list form) are not sorted properly. The dates are not in proper order

Channel IOS Beta
On Later -> Specials (Actually any subsection in list form) is not sorted properly.

For example, Today is September 20, 2024. The following is the dates order for "Specials".

Also. It appears "Settings->Support->Submit Beta Feedback" does nothing.

  1. Tomorrow
  2. Friday Sept 27, 2024
  3. Thursday
  4. Monday
  5. Tuesday October 1, 2024
  6. Sunday
  7. Tuesday
  8. Saturday October 5, 2024
  9. Saturday September 28, 2024
  10. Today
  11. Thursday October 3, 2024
  12. Wednesday
  13. Wednesday October 2, 2024
  14. Sunday September 29, 2024
  15. Monday September 30, 2024
  16. Sunday October 6, 2024
  17. Friday October 4, 2024
  18. Thursday September 26, 2024

We'll check it out, thanks.

This has been resolved in the latest TestFlight beta. You will need to update to the latest pre-release server as well.

While airing results continue to use the List layout when you dive into more of them, certain airing results are no longer grouped by date. This is because the airings are not sorted by date to begin with. On Later orders many of its lists based on your On Later settings, prioritizing things you expressed you cared more about, pushing them to the top of the lists. Specials and On This Week are just such results.

You'll find that other listings, like for sport leagues, continued to group by date as they are in fact sorted by date.