On Later?

How long does it take to populate content on an Onn Pro? My phone browser did it right away.

To speed up my ONN I set it to Apps only mode ... Got rid of all that stuff trying to load in the home screen.... nice clean interface ....


On Later is instant, it doesn't need to populate.

If you are seeing a blank screen, you might be hitting a bug on Android. You'll need to visit your Channels DVR Server web admin and go to On Later there. From there, use the Fine Tune button to add at least one preferred channel, genre, or sport.

So I’ve done this and on the web admin and android shield tv, and my iPhone none of them populate anything in that section, same thing with sports section, and news… I’m at a loss

Just exclude 1 Channel you do not watch under finetune on later .... that way it checks all availible channels.

In my case I simply excluded one of my Cameras 1.1 but can be done with any Channel..

Just tried that also. Nothing

That’s the setup I want with the sports more than anything and can’t get anything

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Is there anyone I can reach out to for this? I’ve been on it for hours it’s def glitched

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What are your sources? It could be something wrong with the guide data you’re using?

I use IPTVEditor.com for the sources and guide.

On Later isn’t guaranteed to work with Third Party sources and guide data via Custom Channels.

Submit diagnostics so we can take a look at why this might be.

Logs have been submitted as 48dcd391-5aae-4087-be40-e165ba42ca1e

If I have to change the editor to get it I will. What does everyone else use?

Do you even have any guide data applied to your channels?

If you go to the guide or On Now, do you see anything?

Yes that category works mostly

Are you using an IPTV service?

Yes I am. I’ve had it work before but maybe I used a different editor can’t remember

If it's one of those Pirate sites, Channels doesn't play well with it an they won't support it.

Then what do you do to get it? If you don’t use IPTV?

Also I don’t use any pirate sites it’s strictly IPTV live tv

Ok. I was going buy your user name, which is a Pirate site.