Opensubtitles integration

Think it would be a great addition to the Channels app.

Not a huge fan of having an additional srt file for those recordings without subtitles.

Would be nice to be able to fetch the subtitles from opensubtitles based on the same movie/show ID.

You do realize you are contradicting yourself with these two statements, right? Programs that integrate opensubtitles actually download srt files alongside the video to be read by the player.

Also, if you have ever browsed the "opensubtitles" site, you know the listings are based upon the filenames as found in sharing sites. While this may be legal in your jurisdiction, it is wholly questionable in the US.

If you need this feature, you should use Kodi as your frontend, and use the PVR client for Channels.

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Sorry, my understanding on Plex integration was the srt would be downloaded temporarily, while the video was playing.

I wasn’t clear - I meant I don’t like to download and manage the srt files, making sure the naming convention is the same etc - with the open subtitles (similar to the Plex integration), you wouldn’t have to worry, drop the video file in, let channels ID the video, and then search open subtitles with that ID (assuming that’s how it works haha) and download temporarily while the video is playing.

Hope that makes more sense now haha.

I not sure exactly what the ins and outs of the legality is. As far as I was aware - it searches uses the movie or show ID from one of the database sites.

It’s just a suggestion mate.:+1:t3:

Kodi is not available on Apple TV.

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You are forgiven. That may actually be how it happens with Plex; I don't know for certain.

Unfortunately, that's not how it works. The actual downloaded file name is needed because of timing issues, FPS, etc. This is why only open-source software integrates with services like this; commercial software cannot legally match your illegally obtained files by name.

MrMC is a rebranded Kodi for Apple devices.

Okay would be interested to know how plex does it then.

My files are certainly not named like a torrent, but yes when I go to change subs I will sometimes see a ‘torrent-like’ name to select. Can’t imagine distributing subtitles are illegal, but get its a grey area the devs might not want to explore.
Either way they seem to be able to match the video to the subs even with differing naming.

AFAIK MrMC does not allow any 3rd party plugins, which I assume would rule out both the subtitle fetching and the channels pvr addon.

Edit: okay wow so mrmc does have access to open subtitles and its own set of pvr clients, but no ChannelsDVR unfortunately
The app also is showing its ages - little bit clunky.

+1 on feature request

On plex open subtitles working with my video is hit or miss. But it works most of time. I stopped obtaining Torrent media and switched to Anystream & Streamfab (which usually have working subtitles already)

It is a feature I would LOVE!

I don't care about logistics or how it is done. Just some way to search for subtitles within the client itself.


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I have a process that downloads subtitles for every imported move/tv show using filebot. Filebot renames the content to match plex naming standards and then downloads the srt and renames it so channels will pick it up on import. I have it scripted so it is automatic. If you guys are only concerned about imports then i have a process that i can share.

The cost may have just gone up.

You mean piracy and user-generated content didn't result in profits? I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!

Subtitles downloaded by VIP members are free from any embedded ads, offering a cleaner viewing experience.

Wait, they inject ads into the actual subtitle streams?

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Please share

I currently have Filebot manage all my imports. I have it set to download subtitles.

But i still think a addon within the user interface similarcto plex would be beneficial.

Bumping as I see this is the one area that Plex and Emby standout from CDVR (well, color schemes and custom channel numbering also but those aren't WAF requirements surprisingly).