Option for Channels logo Apple TV Top Shelf

I know others have requested this and so have I in the past. Could we please get an option to set the top shelf to show the Channels logo only. It currently shows quick links to TV shows that are on. But, I'd rather it be like the rest of the apps I have on my Apple TV and just show the Channels logo. IMO that is much cleaner.
I know it's a petty thing and probably not a top priority, but, I've noticed a lot of people on here have asked for this as an option.

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Maybe not a bad idea for people who want like a kiosk or kids mode where most of the channels features are disabled. I can see it as like a parental control.

But, you can move the Channels icon one row down and will no longer get the additional top shelf functions. Apps that have extra functions should be used on the top row, such as Netflix, Prime Video, Apple Music, iTunes Movies, Channels, etc. These apps come with extra functionality that can only be used on the top row, so it makes sense to put stuff here that has top-shelf that you want to use. Otherwise, you are wasting 3/4 of your screen to do nothing but re-display an image showing which icon you have selected.

I am sure some people would have liked Apple to have developed an OS setting to hide the space and fill the screen with icons. I can only imagine that they left it open (without option) in order to persuade app developers to come up with great ways to use this space.

I do agree devs could still make top shelf better if they figured out a way to get the right aspect ratio. But it stll looks great and flows well with the other top shelf apps.

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@djcastaldo all I'm saying is whatever a person decides it would be nice to have the option of just the Channels logo or something else. Having options is a good thing.