Order New Comcast CableCards Now - No New Cards Soon

"Equipment Update: Starting on October 24, 2024, Xfinity will no longer provide new CableCARDs to new or existing customers. If you require new TV equipment, please call 1-800-xfinity to speak with an agent who can assist."

Statement is from the current bill.

I'm sure glad I stocked up on cablecards and HDHR Primes earlier this year. I was concerned something like this might happen sooner than later. Hopefully, Comcast contines to support existing cards for at least a few more years or longer.

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I currently have 2 HDHR Primes and I'm happy with that setup, but now I'm debating whether I should get a third and activate an additional CableCARD now just in case one of my existing 2 devices stops working. On the other hand, that may be a complete waste if Comcast decides to completely shut off all cards a few years down the road.

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I added 4 more HDHR Primes and cards earlier this year. The Primes are pretty cheap on eBay. I usually just make offers of around $25-30 and the seller's accept. May be worth an investment of $30 for a few more tuners to use for another year or two.

Did Comcast add a monthly fee for any of them?

It has been years now, but it crazy how Comcast does different things in different markets.
Comcast always charged for cable cards for me. At first, was only like $2, after some "customer owned equipment" credit, they had to have. But that went away at some point... i tried to argue it, even sent them proof of some law about it, no one knew anything and just hung up on me.
Over a period of a year, cable card cost per month went up, $5, then $8, then $9.. by the time i finally dumped cable, it was $10 a month, just for ONE card, plus a $10 additional fee for "HD Technology Fee" they suddenly added on to charge of the Cable card (there already was exact fee for their cable box too). So $20 total per month, per cable card.

I was told back then 2019, that they intended to no longer offer cable cards in my service area. And, according to a neighbor several months later, he could no longer get one. He moved a year later though, so no idea what the state of things are now.

My 2 Cable Cards are free.

As are my 2 cable cards. They went free two or three years ago for me.

We have a total of 9 cable cards (3 Tivos and 6 HDHR Primes), and all are free. I figured having them is a nice perk that helps offset the price I pay for Comcast TV and internet.

When Comcast stops supporting the cards we will be cancelling Comcast TV service and going with DirecTV Stream with Osprey boxes and remotes.

I will continue using Channels DVR for OTA and Pluto once the Primes no longer work, but use of Channels DVR will be diminished.

I went ahead and bought a third Prime on eBay just in case, and ordered another CableCARD from Comcast. I submitted the Comcast order online and there was no charge for the card and $0.00/month going forward. Really easy!

Can you give me a link to order a CableCARD from Comcast online? I have searched and have been unable to find it. Thanks.

You probably have to do it through chat.

Yah, if you get a rep that even knows what one is.
Try searching;


A CableCARD Getting Started kit with easy-to-follow instructions can be shipped to your home or work address. See Pair or Activate Your CableCARD for instructions.

Contact us to find a Comcast Service Center or Xfinity Retail Store where you can pick up a CableCARD Getting Started kit.

Thanks but I need an ordering link, Xfinity does not provide this in their help & support articles.
We have been on the phone with them for 3 days now. They are giving us the runaround. So how do I chat with CubsWin who ordered online the easy way.

Do what you want. I would call the nearest Xfinity Service Center or Store and ask if I could get an appointment to pickup a cablecard self-install kit and if not available there, how can I get it shipped to my house. I've dealt with their 800 numbers and online chat previously and just got frustrated.

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I didn't bookmark the page I got to and don't know exactly how I got there, but I think I went through my account and selected the option to add another TV box and after that it let me select a CableCARD (This is assuming you already have CableCARD's on your account).

BUT, later that same day after I placed the online order, I received a barely audible voicemail from Xfinity stating I needed to call back to complete my order. I ended up texting Xfinity support at 266278 and told them I was advised to call to complete my order. Someone replied back to me that they didn't have any order in their system, but they would place an order for me and they took me through the normal order approval steps. It seems like everything went through, but now I have to wait and see if I actually get the card in the mail.

Thanks. I did receive cable card in mail (shock), but so far unable to activate it.


Call 1-877-405-2298 and ask for Cable Card Department.
Have Serial Number of cable card and Host ID of your TiVo box ready.
(You can find the host ID in TiVo settings under Remote, Cablecard & Devices/CableCARD Decoder/CableCARD Installation/CableCARD menu/Host ID Screen)

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In case other users reading your post don't know.
That activates the cablecard in your TiVo, but if you then move it to a HDHR Prime tuner, it has to be paired/reactivated with that host. Any device you put a cablecard in is considered a host, and the card has to be paired/activated for that unique host. Do not reseat a cablecard in a device that's powered on as it will change the numbers and need paired/reactivated. If you need to reseat it, make sure the device is powered off.

Back in like 2015ish, i pulled out the cable card that was hidden behind the screwed in metal cover of the Comcast Cable box we had, stuck it into a Tivo I got at a Thrift store, and it worked fine. Used it for a few days in the tivo, before i decided i did not like the Tivo, and stuck it back into the Comcast cable box. Never had to re-activate or had any issues. I also did the same thing when i got my Prime HDHR, used that cable card, until i could get a dedicated one.

It also was funny, cause, we had a SD cable box (coax and RCA outputs only), and when i stuck its cable card into the Tivo and later the Prime, it got HD channels.
After i got a Cable Card, it was not until like 2yrs later, when i upgraded our only cable box to a HD one (with HDMI) that they then started charging us the $10 a month HD technology fee.

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Our experiences were different then.
The cablecard will initially work in another device for a day or two before it needs paired to the new host device. The only provider I'm aware of that didn't even require the card to be paired was Verizon FIOS, but I think that has changed.

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