OTA PSA: Story Television Launches Today (March 28, 2022)

Some background:

Learn more here:

I noticed today that I do have a new SD Sub-channel on the same tier with a MeTV station that did not have a map yet:

Had to run a rescan on the HDHomeRun and the Channel ID is now "Story" but there was no match in the local guide (maybe a Gracenote thing that has not been updated yet). However, searching "All Sources" there is a "Story Television":


Checking the Guide, it is correct (Story has the same schedule, no matter your timezone, so if it on at 11am on the east coast the same program is on at 8am on the west coast):

The up-to-date list of markets and stations is available here:


Thanks for sharing that. I see my local METV station has changed one of the sub-channels to STORY. Unfortunately, there are eight (yes, count 'em up!) sub-channels on the local broadcast so the picture-quality on STORY is less than stellar. I like the content, though.

In Los Angeles, the Channels guide shows Story on both 14.1 and 54.2. 14.1 is really Story. 54.2 is still broadcasting Decades.

The guide in the HDHomeRun app matches the Channels guide. (That is, it also does not match current reality.)

The lineup shown on the HDHomeRun admin web page has 54.2 listed as Decades. (I did a rescan just before checking this.)

I presume this will work itself out over the next few days.

I've got one with 2 HD channels and 9 SD channels for a total of 11 channels in all. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) it barely comes in after the 2020 repack, so I don't know how badly they are compressing things.