Output DVR Recording to DVD Disc

I attempted to find an answer but nothing was clear. Has anyone found an easy way to take a recording and burn to an optical disc? I have a BluRay burner but not sure of the process and/or software to get the recording off of Channels DVR. Is this even possible?

Thanks in advance for any replies!

Here's a script I use to convert a file into 720p MPEG-2 and create a DVD-ready ISO:

#vis2iso.sh output input

shift 1

mkdir -p ${ODIR}
ffmpeg -i "${INAME}" -target ntsc-dvd -aspect 16:9 -vf scale=720:ow*ih/iw,pad="720:iw*9/16:0:(oh-ih)/2" -y ${ODIR}/${ONAME}.mpeg
dvdauthor -O ${ODIR}/${ONAME} -t ${ODIR}/${ONAME}.mpeg
dvdauthor -o ${ODIR}/${ONAME} -T
mkisofs -dvd-video -quiet -o ${ODIR}/${ONAME}.iso ${ODIR}/${ONAME}

For those interested in the tools referenced:

  • Ffmpeg – This is the software that powers Channels' transcoding, as well as the media handling for their clients.
  • dvdauthor – This is the tool for generating all of the additional files and directory structure needed for proper DVD-Video support.
  • Cdrtools – This includes mkisofs, which creates the image files with the disc format, ready to be burned.

the files are just normal media files u can put on any media player device or computer.
Second, what is your end goal?

If you just want to archive the video files to a disk, then you would burn them to the disk as any other file, u can use the built in OS software to do that.

If you mean u wish to take the video file, and author/convert it to a playable DVD Video Disc, like a DVD movie you would buy....that is much more complex. U need video editing software of some sort that supports that. Like Cyberlink make some simple video Producer programs and burning software. If your recordings are in HD, note that DVD Video does not support HD content, it has to be 720x480. (480p) so the software has to re-encode/convert the whole video file to that lower resolution to be playable in DVD Video format. This needs a fairly decent cpu and some hard drive space to do.

It is a pretty rare thing these days of streaming and casting everything, to want to make digital video files into movie dvd, since nearly all DVD/Bluray machines or tvs sold for years now have a usb port, u can just put the files on a usb stick and plug into player.
Or attach a strembox or chrome cast to a tv for $20.

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The script I posted above creates an authored DVD-Video disk image—ready to be burned. Also, it does it with simple open-source tools available on nearly every platform; no special video editing software needed.

(The above script could also be easily augmented to take a full folder of videos in any format, and add them to the DVD folder as separate distinct titles. I've done this to share full seasons of programs with friends and family who are only comfortable with a standard DVD.

One big caveat: DVD-Video discs are limited to 4.5GB, so you'll also probably want to reduce the bitrate to manage file sizes.)

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You are assuming the person even knows what a script is and how to use one.
Not everyone may be as tech savy as you are. Keep that in mind when replying to people.

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