when I create a pass to record a show the pass always select the 3.0 channel instead of the 1.0 channel.
Is there a way I can remove/block an atsc3.0 channels so my pass will record the atsc1.0 channel?
I may have found it. Go to pass and enter the channel number I want to use then click save. Will this work?
Just Favor your 1.0 Channels.
In the web ui sources favorite the atsc1 channel and unfavorite the 3.0 channels. The dvr always tries to record from favorited channels first. Client apps favorites don’t count for recording so keep that in mind. It has to be favorited in the web ui sources.
thanks. I'll try this
thanks for the reply.
Seems like several years ago it used to be tricky to get it to do this, now it seems to let you specify a channel.
My fix back then was to edit the pass on the server and set the channel to <100 since my ATSC 3.0 channels were all above 100. Never have changed it.
All other things being equal, Channels will always select the higher numbered channel from a higher priority source device to record a pass from.
didn't know you could do <100. thanks for the tip. My market is the same all atsc.30 are >100
Any channel that you do not record from can be blocked. In sources, Open your HD Homerun 4K. Select manage lineup. On the left side for each channel there are two grayed eyecons. A heart to make a channel a faverate. A circle with a cross out. If you click the circle with cross out the channel will be blocked from your guide and also from recording. You can do this for any cannel you don't want for example foreign language channels.
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