Pass skipping OTA Favorite for m3u Regular

I'm confuzzled why I cannot get a Pass to record on the channel I want it to. Here's the situation (all server-side):

  • HDHomeRun Source > m3u Source

  • Station the program is on is available on 2 SD channels on the HDHomeRun and 1 channel on the m3u. They are all on the same schedule.

  • One of the SD channels on the HDHomeRun has been marked as a favorite (12.3). The other channel on the HDHomeRun (50.1) and the m3u (10455) are both not marked as anything.

  • Pass is a record everything, SeasionNumber != 0, EpisodeNumber !=0, that's it.

My thought was the order should go Favorite HDHomeRun SD > Regular HDHomeRun SD > m3u (12.3 > 50.1 > 10455) or Favorite HDHomeRun SD > m3u > Regular HDHomeRun SD (12.3 > 10455 > 50.1). However, the order is going m3u > Favorite HDHomeRun SD > Regular HDHomeRun SD (10455 > 12.3 > 50.1).

Here's the CODEC information for the Favorite SD station:


And the m3u station:


What am I doing wrong?

I'm still not sure about this behavior, but I followed @racameron's advice in another thread about creating multiple passes and putting them in priority order. So for this, I created:

  1. SeriesID == , Channel == 12.3, SeasonNumber !=0, EpisodeNumber != 0
  2. SeriesID == , Channel != 12.3, SeasonNumber !=0, EpisodeNumber != 0

This theoretically created 12.3 > 10455 > 50.1. Not my favorite solution, but it does seem to work. Still curious about the original question, though.

m3u was probably not marked as SD, so it thought it was HD and preferred it