I did... however it did not seem to update the way they have in the past. Only a one line response. Not sure if that's normal for the milibeez install:
I used:
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name VLC_Bridge_PBS -p 7777:7777 registry.gitlab.com/miibeez/vlc-bridge-pbs
Just tried that and same thing. Similar looking response in the command line. Still doesn't work.
im not a windows expert. but I would start with clearing milibeez off docker, clear all caches, make sure docker is up to date and try reloading again.
Good idea, I will give that a try. Thanks.
That fixed it.
I updated Docker but that didn't resolve it. I also did a "docker system prune -a" to remove all images since this was a secondary machine where I only needed this running on it for testing. Once I did this, I could see it pulling down the update when running the gitlab command which it wasn't doing before.
I will attempt to remove only the image in question on my primary machine.
Thanks for your help.
Another question, I have my Windows 10 media server configured so everything I need runs as a service without having to login with an interactive id. The machine automatically reboots overnight so this works for the best.
It's been a while, but while my other docker entries work, this one doesn't work unless I actually log into the machine. I want to say that this worked in the past for PBS, but I am not sure. Is there a way to configure it so that I do not need to login for this one to work?
Edit: NM, working now after a reboot.
I picked up the latest milibeez and used:
#EXTINF:-1 channel-id="WGBHHD" channel-number=“2.1”,WGBHHD
I deleted the Streaming Source from Channels and put it back in.
It shows up in the guide and has the correct show logo, but I get nothing when I try to play.
Any hints on what I can try?
Are you sure the milibeez update installed? I didn't see it actively getting pulled when running the command and had to delete the old one from the Docker cache.
Look in the container log
Portainer makes it so much easier to manage. Otherwise you have to stop & delete the container, delete the image and then pull the new image before re-creating the container.
@TV_Ken GBH works
Log Shows:
2024-12-13 11:59:31 2024/12/13 16:59:31 ERRO SRV: Server error err="json: cannot unmarshal string into Go struct field .station.skylab_data of type struct { CT2GGrut []U9kLSAPZV.iOdVty2Yb9aB "json:\"livestream_feeds\"" }"
I do not know what this means.
I had it working in the past, but now it is not.
What is creation date of the docker image you pulled.
This one (2024-11-23) works for me
Also, have you tried doing it the normal way and using the URL for the playlist
You can also download the playlist and edit it to see what's in it.
Did you do what I told you to do?

What is creation date of the docker image you pulled.
This one (2024-11-23) works for me
I could not figure out how to see the "Image Details". I'm using the latest Docker and Windows 10 Pro.

Also, have you tried doing it the normal way and using the URL for the playlist
Yes, I tried this, didn't make a difference.

Are you sure the milibeez update installed? I didn't see it actively getting pulled when running the command and had to delete the old one from the Docker cache.
Did you do what I told you to do?
I could not find any menu item to delete the Cache. I deleted the image, then I rebooted my machine. How do I delete the cache?
I'm using Portainer. Much easier.
Stop and delete the container.
Delete the image.
Pull the latest image.
Recreate and run the container.
Portainer does this all with one click.