PC goes to sleep mode in middle of recording

Sometimes if the computer (windows 7 64bit) is asleep and Channels wakes it up to record, 4-5 minutes to 15 minutes into the recording the computer goes back to sleep and the recording does not finish.

I am wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem or if anyone has a suggestion how to debug the problem or prove that Channels is not setting AWAY_MODE. If others experience this problem it's less likely to be just my computer.

I've talked to support and have learned and seen through debug messages that
immediately upon start of recording Channels keeps the computer awake by issuing SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS | ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED | ES_AWAYMODE_REQUIRED).

At the end of processing, Channels issues another SetThreadExecutionState to turn off AWAY_MODE.

In my case, the AWAY_MODE is either not really issued, being ignored by Windows, or overridden somehow. Support says they issue the command so it must be my computer doing something. Maybe, but I have no idea how to figure it out. Also, it seems AWAY_MODE is set per thread or application which should keep it from being overridden.

Anyone have ideas?

Thanks, Doug