Performance with large media libraries?

Currently using Plex for TV shows/movies but would like to transition to Channels for everything. Wondering how well Channels handles large media libraries - around 1200 movies, many in 4K/HDR, some with Dolby Vision.

I know Plex on Fire TV is slow when navigating my library (although works well on Apple TV).

Before I add them all to Channels, I wanted to get some feedback.


It’ll work fine.

Just import them and see how it feels. There’s no real risk.

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I have over 2500 movies and nearly as many TV episodes. Most were recorded with Channels, and some are imported. Channels DVR handles them all very well. Personally, I was never pleased with Plex and much prefer CHDVR. Not to mention that the support for CHDVR, both officially, and through the Channels Community, is amazing. :slightly_smiling_face:

some with Dolby Vision

Channels doesn’t do Dolby vision.

If they’re hybrid Dolby Vision and and HDR10, they’ll fall back to HDR10 fine.

Sadly, as much as I'd like to, the lack of DV support is the singular reason why I can't really switch to using Channels for local media.

What about HDR10+ fallback?

Just watching Twisters (2024) and i notice that Infuse, (with DV disabled so that it fallsback to HDR) is a more noticeable contrastier/punchy look to it. A bit more color saturation too.

My Samsung TV reports that when using both players, Channels or Infuse, it is seeing a HDR10+.

However, i wonder about Channels Tone Mapping compared to Infuse... or is it something else that is making the same movie like a bit better in Infuse than in Channels.
I wonder if Channels is correctly processing the dynamic metadata that is in HDR10+, luminance etc.

The file is a DV/HDR10+ hybrid.

Please give this a try: