Persistent Menu bar in Web view

Didn't know what to search for the feature I have longed to see but haven't yet.

I would love to see a persistent Menu bar in Web view. This is what I use the most and would love to get to the bottom of a TV Show after scrolling down and instead of having to scroll back up, still have the menu bar at the top. Make it to where the menu bar gets smaller as you scroll down but it is still there and then as you get back to the top make it larger again.

Which menu are you referring to?

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On most PC web browsers the Home button will instantly scroll to the top of the page. On iOS this is achieved by tapping above the top bar (on home button devices, that's top-center above the displayed time; on FaceID devices that's between the screen and the front sensor array of the "notch"). For Android devices I'm not certain if there is an analogue.

Wasn't sure what OP was discussing either.

I know in the DVR web UI, going into the guide works, but you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see a horizontal scroll bar to scroll right (and then the header [Menu Bar?] is scrolled up off the screen so you can't view the time you're looking at) and then scroll all the way back to the top to see the time (ahead in time). Not very friendly.

Menu Bar? (picture worth a thousand words, or so)

After scrolling all the way to the bottom of the guide listings and using the horizontal scroll bar to scroll all the way to the right and then scrolling all the way to the top again...

While you're in the middle of the guide somewhere, there's no bearing, so no idea where you are in time...

Sorry tmm1 for responding so late - chDVRuser is spot on. Thank you for expressing what I did not originally!!!

So the bar at the top where it shows "Settings, Recordings, Guide, etc" gets moved up out of the way when you scroll down such as in the guide in the screenshots above.

I would like to see 2 things here. That menu bar stay there (even if it is in a condensed format) as well as the time at the top of the guide. Constantly having to scroll back up to see the time or get to a different menu is kind of annoying. Not to the point where it drives me nuts or anything but just seems like a miss that would be magical to have and I think if you were able to implement it, others would agree.

It appears that this needs some attention again now that there are possible hundreds of channels in Channels DVR due to the addtions to custom channels. Can the Guide UI in the browser get some tweaking and make the header "Time and Date" stationary so it dosn't scroll when the guide is being scrolled downward. I now always have to place my finder on the screen to pin point where on the time line I'm at while scrolling through the guide.


Ditto. This is one of those ones that I thought to do myself and never actually requested it! Thanks for bringing it up!!

Just was going to open up the same request, but this popped up as a 'topic similar to ....'
Please give this another look.

Since there has been no developer comment...thought I'd give this a bump in case it was missed.