Is there anyway I can give each person in my house their "own" dvr using channels. I have a 4tb hdd just for dvr purposes and it could get out of control with multiple people recording stuff and it all dumping into one screen.
Technically, yes. But you’d need to use docker to achieve it. And only one DVR is supported over remote streaming per account. And each client app would have to be logged into their own dvr. There’s no fast dvr switching or combining of dvrs.
So basically this is a hack that can work but Channels was not designed to work this way.
That seems a bit over my pay grade lol.
Here's an idea for an enhancement request, @maddox: Perhaps add a Netflix-like "who's using this?" facility?
one thing i miss about Emby for live tv and DVR use....user profiles where i can control via server dash board pretty much every thing a user can see or access. Especially for recordings or personal library folder.
I am pretty sure there already is a feature request on this kinda thing for Channels DVR.
Channels is very much a one user all or nothing design, much like HDHRs own software DVR solution.
User profiles have been discussed at length. We understand fully what positives they bring, but they’re a technical challenge that are not prioritized at the moment.
How about dvr recordings listed per devices in my collection I have 3 Apple TV 4K devices. My wife’s, mine and her mother. Trying to simplify they are use to TiVo. But Verizon fios has dropped cable cards. Now have YouTube tv and HDHomeRun I get 70 local channels. Just getting into channels.