Does anyone know why my Channels says the following under activity when there is nothing watching 6002 (FOX) which is signed off.
Watching ch6002 from fe80::1830:6173:d0a3:5cb9%eth0 (Starting)
Does anyone know why my Channels says the following under activity when there is nothing watching 6002 (FOX) which is signed off.
Watching ch6002 from fe80::1830:6173:d0a3:5cb9%eth0 (Starting)
Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.
Logs have been submitted as ef80277e-4bfb-4eae-b896-c76578691e80
Thanks for the quick response Eric.
Thanks for reporting this. I had thought I had fixed this previously, but I think I've discovered what's going on. Please let me know if you see it again after updating to the latest pre-release.
Sure will.
Thank you.
Interesting. Saw a few of these after updating to prerelease on my M1:
2022/10/11 08:06:04.625109 [HLS] Stopping inactive session file3231-ip192.168.50.229
2022/10/11 08:08:14.646794 [HLS] Stopping inactive session file3327-ip192.168.50.229
2022/10/11 08:16:23.585186 [NAT] Successfully mapped port 8089 using natpmp
2022/10/11 08:44:04.603904 [HLS] Stopping inactive session file3327-ip192.168.50.229
2022/10/11 08:45:44.600456 [HLS] Stopping inactive session file3327-ip192.168.50.229
2022/10/11 08:50:19.598267 [HLS] Stopping inactive session file3327-ip192.168.50.229
2022/10/11 08:56:34.592579 [HLS] Stopping inactive session file3327-ip192.168.50.229
Thanks Eric, I haven't seen anymore phantom activity!