Just added Philo to channels came back with over a hundred channels. Tried to view scanned channels, got nothing. Error: “Could not fetch playlist from dai.google.com” What has google got to do with a Philo error?
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Was it one of the Viacom/Paramount Networks channels?
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It seemed to be all channels. Then suddenly all channels started working after my post.
In addition to the Viacom/Paramount channels there's also a current issue with Hallmark channels and the IFC channel (BBCA was just fixed).
My scan did not add hallmark
http response: GET: https://www.hallmarkchanneleverywhere.com/data/JSONlivehcgc.json?nocache=5: 404 Not Found: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\"http://www.w3.org/TR/htm…TTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.
If you read the topics I gave links to, you'll see you're not the only one having issues.
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