PIP audio won’t play

I’m running the latest of Apple TV OS 17.2 and when I have channels in PIP mode while another main video is playing I can not get the audio to play when I press the TV button. When I press the tv button focus will move to the channels PIP button but the main big video audio is what stays playing.

This works correctly when I put something playing from Apple tv + in PIP so it has to be something going on with the channels app.

The audio from the channels app video playing in PIp will also play if NO other video is playing on the main screen (ex..if I’m just on the Home Screen). This issue only occurs if I have another video playing in the main screen.

Audio, PIP and other things have been FUBAR on this app for years now, yes, years. They can’t figure it out.

Are the developers looking at the forum still? Im wondering if they are even acknowledging this is an issue.

This is most likely a limitation of Channels using a custom video player, as the built-in video player that basically every other app uses cannot handle MPEG-2 video.

While the devs may be able to look into this, PIP is nearly a black box and developers really don't have much control over it. This probably comes down to an OS-level bug, and because it involves a custom video player, I doubt the Apple developers will put much effort into it.

Also, does this happen every time you use PIP, or only sometimes? And what is the source of the video that does not get its audio back when focused? How is your sound output set up in this environment (HomePods, TV speakers, separate receiver, etc.)?

Details and specifics would be helpful.

While they are quite active here, you may also consider sending an email directly to support. Remember, this is more of a community forum.

Almost a year and football season is upon us and this issue is still not fixed. It works fine with other apps like when viewing a show using Apple TV+… the sound just won’t work when trying to activate focus on the app. Only way to get it back is bring the channels app back to full screen