Playback Failed only on certain Xfinity Channels

I have Xfinity on TV everywhere on Channels .... it seems like certain channels have trouble playing... am I missing something? If anyone has suggestions or reasons why .... please advise. Thank You, Steve

fyi... channels that played just fine before

I find the quality of TVE sources to be somewhat transient. There are many factors that determine the quality of the video stream delivered. Some times it's a perfect picture, other times they have problems. When I'm experiencing quality issues, I reboot my modem, router and channels dvr server. If the problem persist I figure it's the network. In all cases for me, a day later the quality is just fine.

If it is an issue with Channels DVR, many folks would be posting about the problem. So always check other post to see if others are having the same issue.

Also, submit diagnostics so the developers can see what's going on, just in case.

Yah, I get that too.
Are you having the problem with the same channels I am?

Update your dvr to prerelease.

update to prerelease worked! Thank You to all who responded.... one other thought comes to mind on xfinity app I get certain local "to go" channels ... how come TV Everywhere does not recognize them?

Are those channels streamed on a website anywhere? If not, Channels cannot access them.

I don't guess the xfinity app counts? Thanks for the tip!