Playback issue?

Not sure if this is how its supposed to work, but I found an issue that I can reproduce every time.

Watching a live show and then pause it for a couple of minutes (can be as low as a minute), then unpause it to continue watching. Then when bringing up the guide to select a different channel/show, clicking the center button on the remote won't actually switch to that channel.

Only way to get it to switch is to press the home button, switch PIP back to full screen. Then click the back button to bring up the guide again (also, performing that steps kills the PIP which I don't believe should happen).

Can repro this in both stable and beta releases.


Can anyone else reproduce this issue? Thanks.

Anyone? Bueller? Is there more info I can provide to help troubleshoot this as it seems like a pretty annoying bug to me.

The next time you reproduce this, please go to Settings -> Support -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from your device and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

When you try to select the next channel, do you get the pop-up that says "It looks like you're behind the timeline"?

If you could take a video of what you're doing and upload it, that would be helpful. You can upload it here:

I was able to replicate this, exactly as described.

Diags: 0b885b0b-245a-428b-ab93-55f7641b0ff9

No popup appears at all. It’s like the channel select button isn’t even being recognized.

I created a video of what's happening but am unable to use that link - says "This file request has been closed, deleted or never existed."

@LazarusLong Please use this link instead:

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Uploaded just now, thanks.

Ah, I see you are using PIP and the regular guide, not the quick guide (by pulling down). I'll look into this and see if we can repro it.

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Looks like the fix was already checked in just now?

• FIXED: Selecting a new channel for playback in the Guide view while PIP was active would not work if Buffer Protection was triggered

Yes, the latest Testflight beta resolves the issue.

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Thanks for the quick fix!