When watching local news live, video is fine. When trying to watch the same show from the beginning of the recording, very choppy video and no audio all the way up to the current broadcast position. Just submitted the log from the client, client is Chrome TV, version 5.27.1629 and server is downloaded today, installed around 1:00 pm.
It sounds like reception issues, but the way you have configured your DVR has made it so we don't have the reception diagnostic logs during your recording to confirm this.
Thanks for taking a look Eric. What switch do I need to configure to enable tracking? I did a quick scan of the admin page and only thing that I saw that had to do with logging was the " HTTP Logging" section?
I didn't think it was reception as I could switch to live and get a normal video stream (while it was still recording). But when watching the recording (while still recording), I got the choppy playback through the entirely recording up to the point catching up to the life stream. I'm assuming watching live is using the same stream that is recording so I should have seen the same symptoms, but I've learned that what seems logical means the opposite. Let me know which flag I need to switch to capture the additional info and if/when it happens again I'll shoot over an iodated log file.
The issue with the reception tracking has to do with your “backup” m3u setup. The system doesn’t know what your target device is in that case and doesn’t know to check for reception.
Ugh, that's ironic as I use that for my NBC feed off one of the repeater towers as the HDHomerun wants to use the main tower which is normally stronger but more susceptible to tropospheric interference.
Point in case, just tried to use the main channel with VLC and this is what I get. Second screen shot is my backup NBC stream I use on a daily basis.