Playback speed does not reset when changing to a live stream

Define “go to live tv from a recording”. Are you leaving the player? Are you starting something from the API?

I open a recording, the news lets say. I put it in 1.25 and watch it till the end. Once I leave, either delete or back out and then go to a live tv channel, it will start playing at 1.25 speed. So the stream start clipping because it can’t go beyond live.

You can also try the above but go to a virtual channel and that virtual channel will play at 1.25.

The player doesn’t reset back to 1x when you open a new “stream”.

So one has to go into options of the new “stream” to put it back to 1x. Or what I usually do is just swipe the app up to reset it. It’s kind of quicker than navigating to options.


I can’t reproduce this at all. Are you picking something from the guide?

You say that you can swipe to get to the options in the player to change the playback speed, but playback speed isn’t even shown for live tv.

I just reproduced both and sent diagnostics.

First diagnostics is going from a 1.25 recording, closing the recording, starting a VC. The VC plays in 1.25

Second diagnostic is going from a 1.25 recording, closing the recording, starting an hdhr stream. The Hdhr stream plays in 1.25.

You are correct, the setting doesn’t show in live tv, but it still plays in 1.25. So i have to kill the app in order to reset the player.

Does this mean "virtual channel"? If so, that's the first time you're mentioning this. Remember that virtual channels are aren't live, but they're merely existing recordings presently linearly ...

I think this may be an edge case, but the facts slightly differ from your initial post ...

(Edit: poor grammar/negative)

It doesn’t really matter. I can’t reproduce this with any of the scenarios :upside_down_face:

Maybe try it with 2x to make sure it’s really happening? 1.25x is subtle.

It’s not subtle. Live tv or a VC should default back to normal speed after one has watched a recording at a faster speed. And there no way to change the speed back to 1x on live tv, only by killing the app.

I’m I not making it clear?

Do you need me to make a video?


Sent a video to support.

No, in fact, you weren’t making it clear. I asked very specific questions to try to root out how to reproduce it and root out the cause, to which you never answered any.

I’ll check your video.

Others seem to understand. :man_shrugging:t2:

You’re using PIP. You left that out.

I’ll look into a repro.

I didn’t leave anything out. I sent you and told you I was sending logs, your logs, if you looked should tell you that.

It should tell you a plethora of other things that you think is important that wouldn’t be obvious to me.

Off topic here, you sounded shitty there saying I left it out. Wtf does that mean? Should have I also told you what the position of the pip window?

The latest beta should have this resolved now.

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great, thanks.