PlayOn Cloud Questions

  • If I re-rerecord a video at a higher resolution, how do I download it? Will the PlayOn Cloud Source do this or must I do it manually?

  • Is it best to have Play On Cloud do the commercial skipping or Channels?

You can tell PlayOn Cloud if you want to download at 720 for one credit or 1080 for 3 credits.

I tell PlayOn to skip commercials and it does quite well. There are little glitches that last 1 or 2 seconds surrounding commercial breaks.

Thank you Ken,

Is there a way for me to replace a recording that Channels already downloaded at 720 with one at 1080?


you should end up with both. just delete the one you don't want.

Great! Thank you Salreus,


Is there a way to re-download a PlayOn recording, one that's still in the cloud? I removed this recording from Channels DVR and would like it back now. I tried "Sync" from the gear menu, and also removing and re-adding the PlayOn Cloud account, but neither allowed me to re-download. Do I have to create a whole new recording from scratch?

If you log in at (yes, weird that the login works on a different domain), your downloads that are still available will be there for download. Note that the link only works on a computer and not mobile.

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Cool, thanks, that worked!

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