Playon download not showing up in UI

I "downloaded" Wandavision Episode 7 last night into the Playon cloud. It shows up in my Playon folder but doesn't appear anywhere in the UI that I can find it. I have hit the sync button several times but it's not showing up still.

I submitted a diagnostics report at around 3:30 pm. It says it's report # 2f236963-431d-47d3-8108-7a422777df82

Let me know if you need something else.

Oh, and just to add - previously everything I have downloaded did show up just fine. I have some Looney Tunes cartoons I downloaded and they show up fine as well.

Nothing in diagnostics, but I've added more logging for when this happens in future prereleases so we can track it down.

For now the best thing would be to move that show from the PlayOn/TV folder to the Imports/TV folder.

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Ok. I will do that. That is where episode 5 and 6 are anyway since I had downloaded those on the computer before I noticed the playon cloud integration.

I will be downloading some more shows in the next few days since I just purchased credits with their current sale going on right now. If it happens again I will let you know.

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I miss the recordings layout that show the PlayOn folder. Now I can't determine witch file is downloaded from PlayOn and witch is from TVE or OTA Recordings. I want to keep PlayOn recordings and delete the others. Will this Folder return on the UI. I miss the old layout of recordings view.

Is there any way we can choose the drive and folder to save the PlayOn recordings to? My PlayON recordings sync to the main drive (the default DVR drive) on my Shield server. I would prefer it to save to a different drive.

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I was just thinking about the same thing.