Please help with dumb Xfinity

I'm trying to add an Xfinity source. I created a sub-account under the primary Xfinity login. I can log in using the sub-account directly on the Xfinity website. 2FA is not enabled. But when I try to add the source in Channels, I get Cable provider authentication failed. Am I possibly doing something wrong? Or is Xfinity just really dumb?

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What do you see happening when you try to Link Xfinity as a provider here
Do you just enter your credentials and it starts playing, or does Xfinity hold you hostage at the login asking for you to do something that Channels DVR wouldn't do. That's why I quit using Xfinity TVE.

I get this. But I was able to hit Skip and go into the site.

Yep, should work then.
Unless one of the devs has another idea, I would say to submit diagnostics from the DVR Server.
Of course, if you see errors on your way there running troubleshooting, then you need to address that.

Did you install the latest prerelease?

I would normally ask that, but a stable release just happened yesterday, and there's only been one pre-release since. DVR Pre-Release Notes - #1521 by fancybot

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Yes, I am on 2024.09.05.0212

So I would submit logs to the devs so that they could take a look

Yep, just did! Thanks!

What version of Chrome is running on your DVR Server?

Reason I'm asking is I just tried to add Xfinity TVE and get the same exact error.
That was Chrome v114
Spun up a new docker container (w/Chrome v120) and was able to add Xfinity, but had to rescan many failed channels multiple times to get them all working.

Interesting observation @chDVRuser!

It took a minute to find, but I finally found the Chrome version listed under General Troubleshooting:

I'm not running Channels in Docker. I have it running as a Synology package. Any idea if/how I can change the Chrome version?

I tried it on a Synology package install and that's where I saw v114.
I backed up and stopped the Synology package, installed the Channels DVR TVE docker container and pointed it to the same recording directory, restored from the backup and then added Xfinity TVE.
There were about 20 some channels it didn't auth and I had to keep rescanning the individual channels over and over until they all auth'd.
This has happened in the past where either the Synology package or the docker container would have a newer Chrome version and I would have to switch back and forth to get the newer Chrome.

Ugh, what a pain. I don't know if I'm quite ready to go through that hassle. I wonder if the devs have any thoughts on this? @maddox @tmm1 ?

If you want to try it and have Synology Container Manager installed you can use this docker compose to create the container.

First, create this directory with Synology File Manager that will hold the Channels DVR executables

Make a backup of your Synology package DVR and stop the Synology package.

Then modify this compose in the three places it says MODIFY to fit your install and run the compose.
You will just need to restore from a backup and everything will be the same as it was on the Syno pkg

version: '3.9'
  # Docker container home:
    image: fancybits/channels-dvr:tve                    # use :tve tag, not :latest
    container_name: channels-dvr-tve
    network_mode: "host"                                 # must run in host, not bridge mode
      - "/dev/dri:/dev/dri"                              # to enable hardware transcoding
      - CHANNELS_PORT=8190                               # MODIFY the host port number to use
      - TZ=America/Los_Angeles                           # MODIFY your local timezone in standard linux format
      - "/volume1/docker/channels-dvr-tve:/channels-dvr" # Channels DVR executables and log directory
      - "/volume1/ChannelsDVR:/shares/dvr"               # MODIFY Channels DVR recording directory
    restart: unless-stopped

When running from this container, your dvr directory will be /shares/dvr in the general settings.

If I want to run the Synology package again, I backup and stop the docker container and start the Synology package and restore since I have them both using the same host port 8190.

Just wanted to pass on a "trick" I learned.
If you want to keep your dvr path the same as it was in the Synology package install, just change the volume mapping so the path in the container is the same as the host path.

      - "/volume1/ChannelsDVR:/volume1/ChannelsDVR"               # MODIFY Channels DVR recording directory

You can also use this trick if you have import directories defined and want to keep the path the same.

      - "/volume1/pathto/TV:/volume1/pathto/TV"               # MODIFY Channels DVR imported TV directory
      - "/volume1/pathto/Movies:/volume1/pathto/Movies"               # MODIFY Channels DVR imported Movies directory
      - "/volume1/pathto/Videos:/volume1/pathto/Videos"               # MODIFY Channels DVR imported Videos directory

Update: I was able to get it connected this morning! I'm not sure what changed, but it appears to be on Xfiniti's end.

I have been using a secondary account login, which I created last week. I happened to log in to their site this morning using that account, and it asked me to complete my account by adding my phone and email. It hadn't asked for that information previously, which made me wonder if they made some changes on their end. So I made the updates and then attempted to add it to Channels TVE again and it worked.

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Good to hear you got it working.

Xfinity bugged me most of time to add a cell phone and email recovery to my secondary viewer only account that I only use for Channels DVR. I didn't do it since I can login as primary account holder and change passwords without having to reset password on a secondary account.
Normally I could select an "Ask me later" link, but then they forced it and that's when I stopped using Xfinity TVE.

I'm surprised I was able to add Xfinity TVE back, but I'm sure it will fail again soon.