You have to select to update to the pre-release version. I don't know why they continue to hide that in a dropdown.
You can just click and hold on the "Check for Update" to get the pre-release as well.
Or <SHIFT> click on "Check for Update"
I'm giving up on TVE with Channels. Have moved my scheduled recordings to other sources, including HDHR Prime.
I delete the ChromeData and run a full scan every morning of TVE that way it drops Channels that won't authorize, and the Primes take over for any recordings that would normally record from TVE. OliveTin tells me of any Channel Drops so I can Investigate them.
Things have changed recently for secondary viewer only accounts.
There appears to be no way to bypass 2fa now.
No problem here and I authorize every morning.... maybe that will change so my scan will drop the channels if it does happen.
Just found that tonight trying NBC, CBS and TBS.
But this (Xfinity) is really off-topic for this Thread, so moved the posts.
Houston we have a problem maybe... they all work but TNTP that could be a different error nothing to do with 2 factor authorization as it authorized.
TNTP just started working everything is ok on my end ...TBS is OK.
2024/07/19 19:18:27.774121 [TNR] Opened connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6034 TBSP
2024/07/19 19:18:27.774235 [HLS] Starting live stream for channel 6034 from (bitrate=6460kbps)
2024/07/19 19:18:28.745460 [HLS] Session ch6034-dANY-ip192.168.50.186 started in 971.070239ms
2024/07/19 19:18:28.823688 [HLS] Probed live stream in 1.048761574s: h264 1280x720 progressive 5031643bps
2024/07/19 19:18:30.704791 [HLS] Stopping transcoder session ch6034-dANY-ip192.168.50.186 (out=0s finished=false first_seq=1 last_seq=4)
2024/07/19 19:18:30.732363 [TNR] Closed connection to TVE-Comcast_SSO for ch6034 TBSP
2024/07/19 19:18:30.732692 [SNR] Buffer statistics for ch6034 TBSP: buf=0% drop=0%
2024/07/19 19:18:30.732868 [SNR] Streaming statistics for ch6034 TBSP: timeouts=0 segment_timeouts=0 playlist_timeouts=0
Not here, and I'm not willing to jump through hoops anymore by changing the Xfinity username and password. I'm done with TVE. Tired of Interrupted recordings and unable to auth isues.
That frees up one of my 6 DVR Servers for some other source.
When Xfinity stops supporting my cablecard HDHR Prime, I'm cancelling and moving on.
Queue rpaulmerrell to tell everyone what he does in case they don't have a clue.
Maybe order some more cablecards and buy some additional HDHR Primes. I've been taking advantage of the free cablecards by ordering 6 total for my HDHR Primes. The Primes are fairly cheap on eBay and I've spent about $30 each on average over the past year and very recently.
Having 18 cablecard tuners with Channels DVR is awesome. We never have to worry about conflicts, and can always record a little or a lot of extra time after recordings without the extra time taking up needed tuners.
Thanks, I'm aware of that. But only used TVE to get the channels in HD that my HDHR cablecard gets in SD. Not a priority, so not worth getting more HDHR tuners, as I don't need more tuners. I killed TVE and haven't missed it. Especially with the interrupted and missed recordings and having to jump through hoops to re-record them with Channels DVR.
Sorry to tack on to the CableCARD derailing - what's the trick to get cards for cheap from Xfinity? I used to get them for $0-1.50-2.50 per card per month, and am still willing to pay that much, but now they want $7.50-10.00/card/month, so now I have 4 HDHR PRIMEs just wasting away unfortunately. TV Everywhere worked pretty well for me until NBC (NBC Sports Bay Area) stopped support, Chrome Capture for Channels is mediocre and NBC's web feed is 30fps and low-bitrate anyways. I miss having good, reliable access.
My XFINITY Cable cards are free .... TVE Recordings have been flawless no Interrupted recordings.
Rescan this morning working again.
Hallmark Channels not working ....
2024/08/10 07:18:00.515308 [TVE] action=error_response type=Stylesheet error=net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.289814 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.290384 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.290949 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.539194 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.539666 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.540263 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.540263 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.540795 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.573935 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.574504 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.575036 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
2024/08/10 07:18:01.575036 [TVE] action=error_response type=XHR error=net::ERR_FAILED url= ip=
This is so weird ... my Windows TVE succesfully authorizes 150 Channels ... they all work.
2024/08/29 06:10:23.405537 [TVE] Channel scan finished after 5m16s: 150/159 channels available
My linux TVE only authorizes 129 Channels
2024/08/29 08:04:16.131838 [TVE] Channel scan finished after 20m0s: 129/159 channels available
So I am dumping my Linux Channels DVR server. RIP ... This has been consistent ... I have been monitoring for a while.
I see you figured those out.
These are mentioned in the first post of this topic Provider - Xfinity
and in the TVE Troubleshooting Tips TVE Troubleshooting tips - #6 by chDVRuser
I think the chromium dependency being pulled in is borked - was having nothing but issues attempting to log into Comcast TVE, went through all of the steps, did a clean install on a new VM but kept running into the same issues.
Attempted on a Windows host out of desperation and it worked after installing Chrome. Did the same thing on the Ubuntu VM and boom - now able to pull in channels.
Please review this in your integration testing... not something I want to deal with as an end-user
Can confirm updating chromium fixes this issue. restart server after update.