Plex is just fully un-useable to watch.
Recordings on some of the channels i have enabled seem to be ok, but i see in logs every couple min it drops connection, and re-establishes.
But live watching, some times it fails to tune immediately, sometimes, works for a few min.
I have painfully compared the channels enabled in the plex m3u,. and managed to find some of them in Pluto and Samsung m3us i also have. A few outliers though... but seems there is no easy solution for this issues of too many requests. See some Docker based solutions, and some sort of scripts., but nothing super easy for Windows... i won't waste my time tinkering with things for the few channels i rarely even watch... so, proably just gonna delete plex as a source.
I am using the link that was recommend on this form.
Is there any other ulr for Plex that does not have this issue?