Plex - 429 Too Many Requests

Plex is just fully un-useable to watch.

Recordings on some of the channels i have enabled seem to be ok, but i see in logs every couple min it drops connection, and re-establishes.

But live watching, some times it fails to tune immediately, sometimes, works for a few min.

I have painfully compared the channels enabled in the plex m3u,. and managed to find some of them in Pluto and Samsung m3us i also have. A few outliers though... but seems there is no easy solution for this issues of too many requests. See some Docker based solutions, and some sort of scripts., but nothing super easy for Windows... i won't waste my time tinkering with things for the few channels i rarely even watch... so, proably just gonna delete plex as a source.

I am using the link that was recommend on this form.

Is there any other ulr for Plex that does not have this issue?

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I had this working with @john9527 scripts for a couple of months and it was awesome. Then I started getting token errors. Tried to login to with the creds manually and it gave me a wrong password error. Odd, I didn't change it and it is strong and unique, but whatever. Changed it, updated my script, and I get an unspecified error generating a token every time.
My username and password were already in single quotes. My special character is a exclamation in this case (random via password-gen tool), so shouldn't need special encoding fails. I tried manually escaping with \ just in case, still fails so I set it back. Any ideas on how to workaround getting a plextoken and plexdata set up?

curl was still being picky about doing a data-urlencode.
Grab the latest version of from the gist.

Also....Plex really doesn't document how they expire tokens. After not accessing a plex channel for a couple of days, I also had to generate a new token after it had been working for a month.

Appreciate the info. I realized I could go into the "failed" plextoken file and it would show me the specific error the log wasn't showing. It says "password is missing". No idea what the issue is. I've tried (with the updated script) USERID and PASSWD on the same line and on separate lines, single quotes as before, just doesn't process the password.

I got the 'password is missing' error as well, and the change I just made fixed it for me. I'll take another look.

EDIT: Changed my password to mimic yours with a single exclamation point and the updated script is still working. Not sure what to try next.

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Well.....I saw you updated the script so I used that and it just worked. Go figure, LOL. Thanks for your efforts.

Well, I should say that it said it worked and I should get an email from Plex, which is of course a good sign. But the script log (user scripts on Unraid) still shows the failure. So not out of the woods just yet.

UPDATE: Haven't seen a message from Plex, but it did regen the plexdata file with all 4 fields.

UPDATE 2 - Confirmed we're back in business.


The wonders of computing :grinning:

If you got a new token file gen'd it should be OK. I got the Plex email on all my attempts, so maybe it's just being a bit slow getting delivered.

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This method and the OliveTin version of it can still work, but in case you haven't seen it, there's a Docker now that resolves all the issues:


Thanks much. I'll see if I can get that going on my Unraid server the next time my token has issues.

Not sure how and how often @jgomez177 or OliveTin are generating the tokens....haven't had the opportunity to dig through their code. But, I was conservative and only generated it once (or when needed) since there really isn't any info on what will trip Plex's 'too many requests' or when the token will expire. I'm probably going to set up a scheduled job to generate a new token maybe once a week and see what happens.

EDIT: Added a new optional environment setting, NEWTOKEN='Y', to force the generation of a new token without having to manually delete the old data.
Link to the gist....

Anybody else no longer able to use Plex? The updated scripts have been working perfectly for some time, and still appear to be (I can still acquire a token and update the m3u appropriately), but I'm now getting 401 Unauthorized when trying to play any Plex channels:

I just tested streaming Plex channels remotely, and it’s working fine for me.

I set Plex up anew as a source for CDVR most recently via Project One-Click in OliveTin. I’m not entirely sure how that method differs from the two separate scripts listed in the main panel of Olive Tin, but I can confirm it is working fine, as of a minute ago.

The two Actions on the OliveTin main panel are the scripts featured here, where one first gets a token -- and then that token is used to generate an M3U (which is then hosted on a URL by OliveTin). This work was done before the Plex-for-Channels docker container was available. This method still works, but the docker approach is more straightforward, and cross-platform.

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Check out the end of this of the scripts needed an update due to a change in the source.


Check out the end of this of the scripts needed an update due to a change in the source.

Thank you, that was it!

I'd been using these just great for months, and they are updated to the latest version as best I can tell, but now I'm seeing the scripts generate a us.m3u8 with size 0 bytes. I don't see any errors in the logs - or any other detail for that matter. Permissions look right. Any ideas as to why this would suddenly stop working?

Are you using the gracenote include option, if so I was updating some gracenote options. Try pulling again

Looks like I wasn't getting the m3u8 file because it was no longer in I need to identify another source and then I imagine it will work fine again.

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