Plex Live TV Channels M3U?

Did the Container stop fetching guide data?

2025-02-10T22:12:33.376328974Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-10T22:12:33.414231292Z 4:07:27.250011: Updating data for local
2025-02-10T22:12:34.749336580Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-10 22:12.34 +0000
2025-02-10T22:12:34.752368540Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-10 through 2025-02-10
2025-02-10T22:13:22.430315220Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 47.68 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-10T22:13:39.649183848Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-10T22:13:39.650020690Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-11T00:13:39.913341134Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-11T00:13:39.916238717Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-14 through 2025-02-14
2025-02-11T00:14:27.509165034Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 47.59 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-11T00:14:44.396255226Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-11T00:14:44.397204728Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

Looks good now

2025-02-11T04:16:38.572444777Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-11T04:16:38.573422507Z 4:02:58.658999: Updating data for local
2025-02-11T04:16:39.368836729Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-11 through 2025-02-11
2025-02-11T04:17:28.833324081Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 49.46 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-11T04:18:23.674325806Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 104.31 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-11T04:19:09.797289891Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 150.43 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-11T04:20:04.304340345Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 204.94 seconds. 600 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-11T04:20:07.814768332Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data complete. Elapsed time: 208.45 seconds. 617 Channels parsed.
2025-02-11T04:21:47.405156916Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

Noticed yesterday that my Plex channels had no guide data. Checked the logs on the docker container and found that it was throwing a 404 error for 'us_west' similar to what chDVRuser showed. Didn't capture the logs but will if I see it again.

  • Restarted the container to same results a couple of times.
  • Changed PLEX_CODE to 'local' and seems to fix it.
  • Updated Channels' settings and things look good for now.

Just thought I would throw it out there in case anyone else had seen anything similar.

Thanks for posting that. Guess I'm not alone. I'm using PLEX_CODE local.

The last seven guide fetches it did (since yesterday morning) show a 404 error.

2025-02-12T15:16:16.549398632Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-12T15:16:16.550675741Z 4:07:38.904063: Updating data for local
2025-02-12T15:16:17.923571214Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-12 15:16.17 +0000
2025-02-12T15:16:17.925955144Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-12 through 2025-02-12
2025-02-12T15:17:05.243472674Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 47.32 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-12T15:17:59.878282770Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 101.95 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-12T15:18:46.080112033Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 148.15 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-12T15:19:40.843297622Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 202.92 seconds. 600 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-12T15:19:44.065135604Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data complete. Elapsed time: 206.14 seconds. 617 Channels parsed.
2025-02-12T15:21:23.391667595Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-12T19:23:03.910360070Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-12T19:23:03.911783071Z 4:06:47.360979: Updating data for local
2025-02-12T19:23:05.087695265Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-12 19:23.05 +0000
2025-02-12T19:23:05.090621550Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-12 through 2025-02-12
2025-02-12T19:23:52.703302108Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 47.61 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-12T19:25:15.441267268Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 130.35 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-12T19:26:51.343267775Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 226.25 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-12T19:26:55.106452535Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-12T19:26:55.107136782Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-12T23:28:29.037347998Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-12T23:28:29.038678113Z 4:05:25.126992: Updating data for local
2025-02-12T23:28:30.039193307Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-12 23:28.30 +0000
2025-02-12T23:28:30.041189643Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-12 through 2025-02-12
2025-02-12T23:29:16.720341658Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 46.68 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-12T23:30:12.602304862Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 102.56 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-12T23:30:59.589265131Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 149.55 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-12T23:31:01.076900046Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-12T23:31:01.077568172Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-13T01:31:01.310220312Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T01:31:01.311591009Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-16 through 2025-02-16
2025-02-13T01:31:48.889318904Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 47.58 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T01:32:43.772334370Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 102.46 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T01:33:29.834345814Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 148.52 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T01:33:31.426258525Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-13T01:33:31.427001246Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-13T05:35:33.931262170Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T05:35:33.954350951Z 4:04:32.621969: Updating data for local
2025-02-13T05:35:35.865151019Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 05:35.35 +0000
2025-02-13T05:35:35.867420979Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13T05:36:22.251298606Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 46.38 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T05:37:17.487265332Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 101.62 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T05:38:04.631792370Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 148.76 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T05:38:06.104195555Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-13T05:38:06.104513749Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-13T09:39:28.930260379Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T09:39:28.931104884Z 4:03:54.998969: Updating data for local
2025-02-13T09:39:29.935647663Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 09:39.29 +0000
2025-02-13T09:39:29.937522241Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13T09:40:14.245198840Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 44.31 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T09:41:05.953485989Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 96.02 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T09:41:50.133175579Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 140.20 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T09:41:51.395233846Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-13T09:41:51.395933686Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-13T13:43:14.973349449Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T13:43:14.974505749Z 4:03:46.043015: Updating data for local
2025-02-13T13:43:16.081260819Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 13:43.16 +0000
2025-02-13T13:43:16.083543074Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13T13:44:02.534263216Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 46.45 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T13:44:54.931246606Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 98.85 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T13:45:39.822242132Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 143.74 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T13:45:41.062148757Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-13T13:45:41.062887505Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

2025-02-13T17:47:04.403341674Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T17:47:04.404877691Z 4:03:49.430002: Updating data for local
2025-02-13T17:47:05.503366335Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 17:47.05 +0000
2025-02-13T17:47:05.505496268Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13T17:47:51.674290447Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 46.17 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T17:48:00.012649823Z [INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
2025-02-13T17:48:00.146094984Z [INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
2025-02-13T17:48:45.667324427Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 100.16 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T17:49:32.446282965Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 146.94 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T17:49:34.065550527Z [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-13T17:49:34.065851670Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

My 404 error were apparently going back for days (guess I didn't notice)! However, for me, restarting the container seems to have fixed it:

2025-02-13 12:03:05 [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13 12:03:05 4:00:58.806350: Updating data for local
2025-02-13 12:03:09 [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 17:03.09 +0000
2025-02-13 12:03:09 [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13 12:03:38 [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 29.46 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13 12:03:48 [ERROR] (None, 'HTTP failure 404: {"Error":{"error":"Not Found","message":"channel not found!","statusCode":404}}') for local
2025-02-13 12:03:48 [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local
2025-02-13 13:20:05 [INFO] Device ID: [REDACTED]
2025-02-13 13:20:05 ⇨ http server started on [::]:7777
2025-02-13 13:20:05 [INFO] Starting thread for code local
2025-02-13 13:20:05 [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13 13:20:05 [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 18:20.05 +0000
2025-02-13 13:20:05 [INFO] Updating Channel List for local
2025-02-13 13:20:16 [INFO] Channel Listing for local Complete
2025-02-13 13:20:16 [INFO] Day One Initialization of EPG data
2025-02-13 13:20:16 [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13 13:20:49 [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 32.99 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13 13:21:29 [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 72.75 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13 13:22:01 [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 104.87 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13 13:22:42 [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 145.84 seconds. 600 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13 13:22:44 [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data complete. Elapsed time: 147.85 seconds. 618 Channels parsed.
2025-02-13 13:22:48 [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

Cool, yeah, I posted my situation because I am sure there are others out there having this happen. Hopefully we can get it figured out.

Also, for me at least, restarting the container didn't help me. It was using 'local' so it's interesting that your's is dying with the same variable earlier.

If it helps, all of my Plex EPG channels have guide data for 3.5 days, except these 55 channels that have none.

Robot Wars by Mech+
Runtime Español
Samuel Goldwyn Channel
Samuel Goldwyn Classics
Samuel Goldwyn International
Sheriffs: El Dorado County
Sonic TV
Spark TV Luz y Amor
Surf Now TV
The Black Effect
The Doctor Blake Mysteries
The Doctors
The Ellen Channel
The Emeril Lagasse Channel
The Jim Rome Show
The Kids in the Hall
The Librarians
The Martha Stewart Channel
The Outpost
The Preview Channel
The Ring
The Sherlock Holmes Channel
The World Poker Tour
Toony Planet
Trailers From Hell
Travel Escapes
Triton Poker
Untold Stories of the ER
Very Central Coast by KSBW
Very Sacramento by KCRA
Vidas Extremas
Watch it Kid
Watch it SCREAM
Welcome Home
Willow Sports
WITZ-Comedy TV
World's Wildest Police Videos
Wu Tang Collection
Zee BollyWorld

Unfortunately, a container restart didn't help mine.

2025-02-13T18:55:07.309291586Z ? http server started on [::]:7777
2025-02-13T18:55:07.360744891Z [INFO] Starting thread for code local
2025-02-13T18:55:07.361148173Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T18:55:08.005988429Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 18:55.08 +0000
2025-02-13T18:55:08.008078878Z [INFO] Updating Channel List for local
2025-02-13T18:55:21.580615554Z [INFO] Channel Listing for local Complete
2025-02-13T18:55:21.583957394Z [INFO] Day One Initialization of EPG data
2025-02-13T18:55:21.584403236Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13T18:56:08.415267985Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 46.83 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T18:56:23.436049537Z [ERROR] (None, 'Exception type Error: SSLError') for local
2025-02-13T18:56:23.436786420Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local

Restarted again and success.

2025-02-13T19:03:11.560824161Z ⇨ http server started on [::]:7777
2025-02-13T19:03:11.598093675Z [INFO] Starting thread for code local
2025-02-13T19:03:11.598375081Z [INFO] Running EPG Scheduler for local
2025-02-13T19:03:12.461749076Z [INFO] New token for local generated at 2025-02-13 19:03.12 +0000
2025-02-13T19:03:12.463801743Z [INFO] Updating Channel List for local
2025-02-13T19:03:27.459582921Z [INFO] Channel Listing for local Complete
2025-02-13T19:03:27.462418357Z [INFO] Day One Initialization of EPG data
2025-02-13T19:03:27.462792859Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data for 2025-02-13 through 2025-02-13
2025-02-13T19:05:08.602212800Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 101.14 seconds. 150 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T19:06:42.371226514Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 194.91 seconds. 300 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T19:08:06.953205562Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 279.49 seconds. 450 Channels parsed
2025-02-13T19:09:10.119209054Z [INFO] Continuing to retrive local EPG data....Elapsed time: 342.66 seconds. 600 Channels parsed. Please wait
2025-02-13T19:09:13.583562231Z [INFO] Retrieving local EPG data complete. Elapsed time: 346.12 seconds. 617 Channels parsed.
2025-02-13T19:09:41.971848942Z [INFO] EPG Scheduler Complete for local


Doing a complete rework of the code - please be patient


Let the fun begin....
Complete revamp of the code
Check plex-for-channels/ at main · jgomez177/plex-for-channels · GitHub

Big things to note is

  • New web interface
  • PLEX_PORT is changed to PORT (for future integration of other projects)
  • PLEX_CODE is gone - URL "regions" parameter now used for different geo locations
  • Regions can now be integrated into a single playlist - so regions=local,ca would provide a single playlist that integrates the two geo locations
  • One single EPG for all geolocations in use
  • Updated error handling and other internal modifications

plex-for-channels/ at main · jgomez177/plex-for-channels · GitHub is showing PLEX_PORT for the docker-cli


The recommended way of running is to pull the image from GitHub.

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --network=host -e PLEX_PORT=[your_port_number_here] --name  plex-for-channels
1 Like

How long should it take until it has todays EPG?
Looks like it fetched tomorrows twice, but not todays.
Ahh, maybe Collect data for 2025-02-15 means UTC time.

2025-02-15T03:46:28.989577124Z [INFO - PLEX] PLEX Generating Device ID
2025-02-15T03:46:29.016449993Z [INFO - MAIN] ? http server started on [::]:7777
2025-02-15T03:46:29.250641635Z [INFO - PLEX] Starting Scheduler thread for plex
2025-02-15T03:46:29.251126600Z [INFO - PLEX] Running EPG Scheduler for plex
2025-02-15T03:46:29.251551607Z [INFO - PLEX] EPG: Updating Channel Data
2025-02-15T03:46:30.041109011Z [INFO - PLEX] Access Token located for local
2025-02-15T03:46:31.115618179Z [INFO - PLEX] Stories by AMC has DRM set. Skipping.
2025-02-15T03:46:43.437701064Z [INFO - PLEX] Updating TMSID for 407 items
2025-02-15T03:46:43.443098659Z [INFO - PLEX] Stations Identified for local: 616/616
2025-02-15T03:46:43.447053767Z [WARNING - PLEX] File 2025-02-14_media.xml does not exist
2025-02-15T03:46:43.447349688Z [WARNING - PLEX] File 2025-02-14_epg.xml does not exist
2025-02-15T03:46:43.447551878Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Collect data for 2025-02-15
2025-02-15T03:46:43.447745963Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Generating 2025-02-15_epg.xml
2025-02-15T03:47:30.664266965Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Number of stations completed 100: Elapsed time: 47.22 seconds.
2025-02-15T03:49:05.076876415Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Number of stations completed 200: Elapsed time: 141.63 seconds.
2025-02-15T03:49:45.363403023Z [INFO - PLEX] Reading channel id list cache for all geo locations
2025-02-15T03:49:45.371999458Z [INFO - PLEX] Full Playlist: 616
2025-02-15T03:49:45.372765558Z [INFO - PLEX] No Gracenote Playlist: 217
2025-02-15T03:49:47.946519429Z [INFO - PLEX] Reading channel id list cache for all geo locations
2025-02-15T03:49:47.955710972Z [INFO - PLEX] Full Playlist: 616
2025-02-15T03:49:47.956687916Z [INFO - PLEX] No Gracenote Playlist: 217
2025-02-15T03:50:15.028707816Z [INFO - PLEX] Reading channel id list cache for all geo locations
2025-02-15T03:50:15.037266913Z [INFO - PLEX] Full Playlist: 616
2025-02-15T03:50:15.038028472Z [INFO - PLEX] Gracenote Playlist: 399
2025-02-15T03:50:16.533025142Z [INFO - PLEX] Reading channel id list cache for all geo locations
2025-02-15T03:50:16.540880826Z [INFO - PLEX] Full Playlist: 616
2025-02-15T03:50:16.541755712Z [INFO - PLEX] Gracenote Playlist: 399
2025-02-15T03:51:56.898070891Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Number of stations completed 300: Elapsed time: 313.45 seconds.
2025-02-15T03:56:04.982574008Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Number of stations completed 400: Elapsed time: 561.53 seconds.
2025-02-15T04:00:49.431661388Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Number of stations completed 500: Elapsed time: 845.98 seconds.
2025-02-15T04:01:29.586431524Z [INFO - PLEX] Checking scheduler thread
2025-02-15T04:06:06.291038762Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Number of stations completed 600: Elapsed time: 1162.84 seconds.
2025-02-15T04:06:51.888671150Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 1208.44 seconds.
2025-02-15T04:07:22.703573884Z [INFO - PLEX] XML data successfully written to 'data/plex/2025-02-15_epg.xml'
2025-02-15T04:08:19.741588048Z [INFO - PLEX] XML data successfully written to 'data/plex/2025-02-15_media.xml'
2025-02-15T04:08:54.517175763Z [INFO - PLEX] XML data successfully written to 'data/plex/epg.xml'
2025-02-15T04:08:55.648616433Z [INFO - PLEX] GZIP XML data successfully written to 'data/plex/epg.xml'
2025-02-15T04:08:55.667180443Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] EPG Data Collection Complete
2025-02-15T04:08:55.828029198Z [INFO - PLEX] EPG Scheduler Complete

Looks like 22.5 minutes

I'm looking forward to giving this a try. Thanks for your hard work!

@bnhf, will the Olivetin Project One-Click action be updated to run this new Plex for Channels version 4.0?

May be an issue for one click install if Channels can't access the lineup and EPG as soon as the docker container is created.

2025/02/14 19:50:08.828224 [ERR] Failed to download XMLTV-PlexNoEpg: xmltv fetch: GET: 404 NOT FOUND: "XML Being Generated Please Standby"

Correct times are UTC - your pull times seem high as mine do not take quite as long, usually under 60 seconds per 100 stations - but their API is very inefficient and seems to throttle as more calls are done. I wish I could find a group API instead of by channel but haven't located it yet.
This is only one that has to be done one-by-one unlike Tubi and Pluto which programming can be pulled in batches

1 Like

Thanks for doing all the work on this update :+1:

Here's what I have so far
20 - 93 minutes

2025-02-15T04:06:51.888671150Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 1208.44 seconds.
2025-02-15T04:29:23.647962255Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 1227.80 seconds.
2025-02-15T05:09:57.863676837Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 2309.44 seconds.
2025-02-15T06:22:50.674658623Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 3477.63 seconds.
2025-02-15T07:57:14.703798563Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 4571.15 seconds.
2025-02-15T09:57:16.244369570Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 5595.88 seconds.
2025-02-15T11:00:08.692290021Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 1316.54 seconds.
2025-02-15T14:56:14.284668048Z [NOTIFICATION - PLEX] Station List completed 616: Elapsed time: 1264.24 seconds.

Yes, definitely. I've been working on it a bit this morning, but won't have a chance to publish until late today or tomorrow morning.

I had to stop the container.
Was using over 1GB Ram.

Much better now.

Similar issue for me. Memory usage grew by over 1GB -- so had to shut it down. Memory leak?