Pluto Channels Update

For anyone who somehow uses the actual Pluto channel number.....they did a shuffle this AM, 11/3

11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Chicago channel (10410)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: PFL MMA channel (12173)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Baltimore channel (13355)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Bay Area channel (13360)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Boston channel (13365)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Chicago channel (13380)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Colorado channel (13385)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News DFW channel (13395)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Los Angeles channel (13400)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Miami channel (13405)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Minnesota channel (13410)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News New York channel (13415)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: News 12 New York channel (13420)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Philadelphia channel (13430)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Pittsburgh channel (13435)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: CBS News Sacramento channel (13440)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel add detected: KIRO Seattle 24/7 channel (13445)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Bay Area channel (13350)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Boston channel (13355)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Chicago channel (13360)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News DFW channel (13365)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Colorado channel (13370)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Los Angeles channel (13375)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Miami channel (13380)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Minnesota channel (13385)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News New York channel (13390)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Philadelphia channel (13395)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Pittsburgh channel (13400)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Sacramento channel (13405)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: CBS News Baltimore channel (13410)
11/03/22 10:15 Channel delete detected: News 12 New York channel (13415)
11/03/22 10:15 Total changes detected: 17 added, 14 deleted

Thank you for reporting this.

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Another new channel added today....

11/07/22 12:15 Channel add detected: Sitcom Legends channel (11192)
11/07/22 12:15 Total changes detected: 1 added, 0 deleted


What offset do you use for your Pluto channels? I'm guessing you are probably ignoring the numbers defined in the playlist and using numbers assigned by Channels.

I set my source to start at channel 0 so I'm getting the channel numbers actually used by Pluto TV.
I'm wondering what your channel number 11192 matches in Pluto.

Pluto channel 1192 (per the playlist.m3u on the Pluto for Channels docker web page)
#EXTINF:0 channel-id="sitcom-legends" channel-number="1192"


Thanks. I should have thought of checking the playlist. :man_facepalming:

I have my Pluto Custom Channels source set to Ignore channel-numbers from the M3U.
I ran into a problem previously with passes specifying channel numbers when it used them from the M3U and Pluto changed them.

That's good to know. I don't have any passes that use channel numbers directly so hopefully I should be fine. :slight_smile:

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My offset is 10000 (Pluto original channel number + 10000).....

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Just a quick note with the changes I detected since Dec...

01/04/23 12:15 Channel add detected: Blue Bloods channel (10549)
01/04/23 12:15 Total changes detected: 1 added, 0 deleted
01/02/23 12:15 Channel add detected: Scripps News channel (10450)
01/02/23 12:15 Channel delete detected: Demand Africa channel (10295)
01/02/23 12:15 Channel delete detected: Newsy channel (10450)
01/02/23 12:15 Channel delete detected: MLS channel (12110)
01/02/23 12:15 Channel delete detected: Combate World channel (13065)
01/02/23 12:15 Total changes detected: 1 added, 4 deleted
12/12/22 12:15 Channel add detected: Confess by Nosey channel (11112)
12/12/22 12:15 Total changes detected: 1 added, 0 deleted
12/05/22 12:15 Channel add detected: More Star Trek channel (10271)
12/05/22 12:15 Channel add detected: AMC en EspaƱol channel (12881)
12/05/22 12:15 Total changes detected: 2 added, 0 deleted
12/01/22 12:15 Channel add detected: Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders channel (10885)
12/01/22 12:15 Channel add detected: QVC channel (11135)
12/01/22 12:15 Channel add detected: HSN channel (11136)
12/01/22 12:15 Channel delete detected: Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders channel (10885)
12/01/22 12:15 Total changes detected: 3 added, 1 deleted

Holiday channels are gone....and one new add....
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Holiday Movie Favorites by Lifetime channel (10165)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Hallmark Movies & More channel (10166)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Pluto TV Christmas channel (10167)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Festive Fireplace channel (10168)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Crackling Fireplace channel (10169)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Holiday Lights channel (10170)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Home for the Holidays channel (10171)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Vevo Holiday channel (10172)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Cine navideƱo channel (10173)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Holiday Movie Favorites by Lifetime channel (10257)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Pluto TV Christmas channel (10259)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Crackling Fireplace channel (11470)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Festive Fireplace channel (11471)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Holiday Lights channel (11472)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Home for the Holidays channel (11473)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Vevo Holiday channel (12481)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel delete detected: Cine navideƱo channel (12581)
2023/01/09 12:15 [INF] PlutoTV Total changes detected: 0 added, 17 deleted
2023/01/10 10:15 [INF] PlutoTV Channel add detected: Top Gear channel (10827)
2023/01/10 10:15 [INF] PlutoTV Total changes detected: 1 added, 0 deleted


Appears they renamed Holiday Movie Favorites by Lifetime channel (10257)
to Movie Favorites by Lifetime channel (10257)

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Good catch....I need to tweak my name compare code :slight_smile:

Anyone else having Pluto errors?
Not sure if it just started today or after the update to 2024.01.08.1431
2024/01/09 20:53:13.263017 [ERR] Unexpected m3u response for Pluto: 404 Not Found
2024/01/09 21:04:04.851079 [ERR] Unexpected m3u response for Pluto: 404 Not Found

Same here

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Nobody can use it. DMCA takedown. Follow the link Rice posted right above yours.
Or read the post by Matt that runs that website Pluto TV - no Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy channels - #16 by matthuisman

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they back now :slight_smile:

YAY THANK YOU, I am looking forward in watching and recording this.

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