I'm using @maddox's pluto-for-channels docker app for PlutoTV M3U and EPG, has been working great for the last couple months.
Tonight suddenly all my PlutoTV channels guide data are empty. My guide looks like this:
If I download /devices/M3U-Pluto/guide/xmltv?duration=1209600, it looks like this:
<programme start="20250106050000 +0000" stop="20250106060000 +0000" channel="9202">
<title>Pluto TV 007 @ 10PM</title>
The action, cars, and shaken (not stirred) martinis of the world’s greatest super spy are now on Pluto TV 007. Watch Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
<icon src="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/5d4db961034718b2f52f9e52/featuredImage.jpg?fill=blur&fit=fill&fm=jpg&h=562&q=75&w=1000"/>
<series-id system="placeholder">placeholder/pluto-tv-007/10PM</series-id>
<episode-num system="placeholder">placeholder/pluto-tv-007/1736139600</episode-num>
<programme start="20250106060000 +0000" stop="20250106070000 +0000" channel="9202">
<title>Pluto TV 007 @ 11PM</title>
The action, cars, and shaken (not stirred) martinis of the world’s greatest super spy are now on Pluto TV 007. Watch Sean Connery, Roger Moore, George Lazenby, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
<icon src="https://images.pluto.tv/channels/5d4db961034718b2f52f9e52/featuredImage.jpg?fill=blur&fit=fill&fm=jpg&h=562&q=75&w=1000"/>
<series-id system="placeholder">placeholder/pluto-tv-007/11PM</series-id>
<episode-num system="placeholder">placeholder/pluto-tv-007/1736143200</episode-num>
That repeats every hour, over and over. For just the 007 and Godzilla channels. There are no <programme>
for any other channel.
The EPG from pluto-for-channels looks correct, it's up-to-date and fully populated for all channels.
If I "Redownload XMLTV" the guide doesn't update and the log says Indexed 0 airings into XMLTV-Pluto (445 channels over 0s) + 15703 skipped [2s index]
I think what happened is that the 007 and Godzilla channels disappeared from the M3U and EPG after Pluto removed them, and Channels is confused and stopped updating guide data for the other channels for some reason.
To work around I suppose I could delete and re-create all guide data for all sources. Or delete and re-create this source and re-add dozens of channels to my channel collections. But for a real fix....