Pluto for Channels


v1.12a2 because I modified these python scripts in my container to reflect the version number

and moved this line down 4 lines to reflect what EPG is actually being fetched Pluto for Channels - #677 by chDVRuser

I am using Watchtower to update my docker containers on my Synology. I noticed that my jgomez pluto container has not updated in quite a while so I checked out the logs and found the below errors. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Unable to update container "/PlutoForChannels": Error response from daemon: pull access denied for jgomez177/pluto-for-channels, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied. Proceeding to next.

Reason: registry responded to head request with "401 Unauthorized", auth: "Bearer realm="",service="",scope="repository:jgomez177/pluto-for-channels:pull",error="insufficient_scope"" e[33mcontainere[0m=/PlutoForChannels e[33mimagee[0m="jgomez177/pluto-for-channels:latest"

Could not do a head request for "jgomez177/pluto-for-channels:latest", falling back to regular pull. e[33mcontainere[0m=/PlutoForChannels e[33mimagee[0m="jgomez177/pluto-for-channels:latest"

I also tried command line and ran into errors:

If you were running with the image from Docker Hub, that was removed and he's now hosting at GitHub.
Not sure why your pull from GitHub failed, works for me.

# docker pull
latest: Pulling from jgomez177/pluto-for-channels
609c73876867: Pull complete
7247ea8d81e6: Pull complete
be374d06f382: Pull complete
b4580645a8e5: Pull complete
aa7e0aca67dd: Pull complete
84816cb735e2: Pull complete
85e25f7ceb91: Pull complete
849540060de4: Pull complete
017f806b8033: Pull complete
617aa0ecdb70: Pull complete
7623abfb8e5e: Pull complete
0e4c799cce49: Pull complete
d414ee56d86b: Pull complete
4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:a2f8ceba8ea5efe2ab9f307042c06172759410212a2e509ac592fede12b83ed8
Status: Downloaded newer image for

# docker images
REPOSITORY                             TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE   latest    7ee1e0f33667   31 hours ago   1.08GB

You can still use the Maddox Pluto for Channels container, the Hank Lloyd Right website source or the Matt Huisman website source.

I made a dumb mistake. I forgot to enter sudo - i to run it with higher privileges. I was able to get the newer version using Terminal once I did that.


Anyone having trouble getting the Pluto guide to display? I can see it's still pulling/running... but nothing shows up in Channels. I haven't changed my configuration.

I'm seeing 24 hrs of listings using the maddox container

I see it on the XML, but not within Channels... it's the oddest thing. I haven't changed anything so I'm not sure why the sudden lack of guide info.

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Try a Delete and Recreate Database
Settings > Live TV & DVR > Guide Data > Maintenance :gear: dropdown

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Thanks, I'll keep that for the future... but a reboot of my NAS seemed to do the trick!

Coming across an error and wondering if anyone else has seen it. Not much luck so far searching for it. It looks like one channel on Pluto where I had a pass set up is getting an error of 'could not fetch such host'. Pass has worked on this channel as recently as a few days ago and recordings for other Pluto channels are still recording properly without error. Tried deleting and adding the M3U and Guide links again. Also tried stopping, removing, repulling, and rerunning through docker. Thanks!

Can you just click on the channel LIVE from the guide, and will it play that way? If not, there's something wrong with the .m3u link. Try the link in VLC Media Player, and see if it'll play there.

Hi there! Recordings (despite the error) and attempts to view the show live all result in a 30 second clip of a different show (but always the same clip and show).. Other channels from the same source play as expected. Could you clarify which m3u link (master one in the source settings, the url in the error log, or another)? Master did play something. Second said there was no playable media at the url provided..

Which Pluto channel are you having an issue with

It's the Dora TV channel in the kids sub-category.

Playing here using maddox docker source

Hmmm. And it appears to be showing the show that's listed (and not the same 30 second clip on repeat)? If that's the case, I appreciate you checking. I'll have to try removing everything and adding it again to see if I accidentally did something along the way.

The url for that channel as found inside the playlist.m3u

Download that playlist.m3u and open it in a text editor
Use this url I highlited in VLC

Also check what the channel plays at
If it's bad there, contact Pluto

Thank you for the clarification. I was able to locate the line on my end and it looks to match up. It won't play, saying it may be unsupported or corrupted. The channel does work on the Pluto site and app. I appreciate you taking the time to help. It's more a mild inconvenience than anything, so I'll try playing around with things some more later to rule out something I'm doing or accidentally did. Take care!

A fresh install, Pluto local is up and running via docker, thanks so much @joagomez!

I just noticed that when using this handy bookmarklet for channel management, the default format .m3u is not showing category tags:

They showed previously though, when I'd been using the and methods.

I was able to get these category tags to display however, by switching from the default .m3u to the "maddox compatibility" .m3u instead.

Just curious but what's the benefit of the default or m3u over this one?

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