Pluto for Channels

I put this in the terminal and docker says it is running
Then, I used these links:

Also, when I use this link in Channels:
Pluto comes up--but I don't think this is running in the docker app--can't record and looks like it always did

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localhost urls only work on the local host, ie your PC. You need to use an IP if the dvr is on the Pi

ok so, if it is on port 8089, then with IP address should look like this?

I tried this,

Then I tried:

Still Pluto "0 channels"

If you click those links do you see the m3u and xmltv data?

Does the Support > Log tab show an error for those urls?

I sent support logs: 22857a0a-a764-45e6-97bf-d8fe8e067d22

Also, here are the last few lines of the logs:
2021/03/22 09:52:26.094015 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 09:54:26.098669 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 09:56:26.103766 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 09:58:26.111539 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:00:26.118083 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:02:26.125353 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:04:26.131811 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:06:26.137540 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:08:26.142397 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:10:26.149166 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:12:26.152612 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:14:26.158179 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:16:26.162816 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:18:26.168731 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:20:26.174152 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:22:26.180199 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:24:26.185278 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:26:26.190956 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:28:26.195614 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:30:26.201042 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:32:26.204416 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:34:26.211500 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:36:26.217044 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:38:26.222043 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:40:26.227273 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:42:26.230482 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:44:26.235588 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:46:26.241168 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:48:26.246483 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:50:26.251428 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:52:26.255272 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:54:26.260785 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:56:26.265788 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 10:58:26.270361 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:00:26.274936 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:02:26.281389 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:04:26.286233 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:06:26.291670 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:08:26.297759 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:10:26.304707 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:12:26.307712 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:14:26.313427 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:16:26.318453 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:18:26.323425 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:20:26.328599 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:22:26.332878 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:24:26.337869 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:26:26.343278 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:28:26.348041 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:30:26.353849 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:32:26.359319 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:34:26.364777 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:36:26.373469 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:38:26.379271 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:40:26.384304 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:42:26.389964 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:42:30.116247 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2021/03/22 11:42:30.538616 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to
2021/03/22 11:42:30.592978 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2021/03/22 11:42:33.823846 [TRS] Remote Access: ERROR: Could not connect to Check if the port is mapped.
2021/03/22 11:42:33.824864 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2021/03/22 11:42:35.808953 [DIAG] Could not package /providers/tve/error_screenshot.png: 404 Not Found
2021/03/22 11:42:35.820253 [DIAG] Could not package /providers/tve/error_screenshot.html: 404 Not Found
2021/03/22 11:42:35.839343 [DIAG] Could not package /providers/playon/library: 404 Not Found
2021/03/22 11:42:37.501605 [DIAG] Could not find file: channels-comskip-controller.log: open channels-comskip-controller.log: no such file or directory
2021/03/22 11:42:45.232920 New diagnostic log submitted under ef77f521-5cba-4daf-bb62-36d4e3e023c9
2021/03/22 11:44:26.393975 [ERR] Failed to parse m3u: malformed M3U provided
2021/03/22 11:45:00.220078 [TRS] DNS: OK: Resolved host via system DNS
2021/03/22 11:45:00.804908 [TRS] Cloud Reachable: OK: Connected to
2021/03/22 11:45:00.861158 [TRS] Local Time: OK: Local clock is accurate
2021/03/22 11:45:04.120915 [TRS] Remote Access: ERROR: Could not connect to Check if the port is mapped.
2021/03/22 11:45:04.121795 [TRS] Disk Permissions: OK
2021/03/22 11:45:05.252628 [DIAG] Could not package /providers/tve/error_screenshot.png: 404 Not Found
2021/03/22 11:45:05.255134 [DIAG] Could not package /providers/tve/error_screenshot.html: 404 Not Found
2021/03/22 11:45:05.287110 [DIAG] Could not package /providers/playon/library: 404 Not Found
2021/03/22 11:45:05.766000 [DIAG] Could not find file: channels-comskip-controller.log: open channels-comskip-controller.log: no such file or directory
2021/03/22 11:45:13.586751 New diagnostic log submitted under 22857a0a-a764-45e6-97bf-d8fe8e067d22

I wonder--I have my raspberry pi on my network I am running docker on my pc. Should docker be running out of the pi? If so, not sure how to make this happen..

Did you click the links to make sure they load? Maybe there's a firewall on your PC preventing access.

I turned off Windows defender and tried again--no luck. Also, when I click on the playlist and EPG links provided in Docker for the maddox container--the links download fine--I see them in the download.



As I mentioned earlier localhost is not the correct url. Try loading the IP urls and try from another device that's not your PC.

Ok--I can reach my Raspberry pi settings page with the following:

However, this link: does not work. The local host link works--but not on the raspberry pi (localhost:8089/playlist.m3u) That is--I can download the lists when clicking on these links on my PC.

I am thinking that docker is running on my pc--but not on the rasperry pi--so these m3u links can't be found at the ip address for my pi...Is my understanding correct? If so, how would I access the pi and get docker running?

Your Pi and PC have different IPs. Docker runs on your PC. DVR runs on your Pi. The Pi uses the PC's address to talk to docker. So you need to construct a URL with the PC's IP and port, then verify it is a working link that loads on your phone or tablet (to confirm that devices on your network can talk to the PC Docker as expected).

Now I get it!! Perfect! Works now! Thank you!


The beginning and ending of commercial breaks seem to halt the stream. I have to exit to guide and then click on the show again. I'm using docker to generate m3u/epg. Anyone else experiencing this?

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happening to me as well. Any fix yet?

Greetings! New User, Lurker, etc. Thanks for such an awesome project.

I didn't find this during some quick reading of the two main threads here .. this one and the pluto tv docker help thread, but is there a "right" way to trigger the docker app to manually update the epg.xml that it creates? I did a quick restart and it updated, but was wondering if that's the right way. This is running Docker Desktop for Windows. Most things I've read are instructions on how frequent to tell channels to do the update from the epg.xml, but on what schedule/frequency/trigger does the app itself run on?

The back story is that I've got this all working, but I realized this issue today when my desktop went to sleep. As I went down the rabbit hole to solve it, I realized probably it was due to the sleeping that the docker app didn't update the episode guide as going to the / url showed the last update as the previous night.

thanks again!

I’d have to look at the code to know for sure, but the docker image updates on a regular interval that is not configurable, nor can you trigger it manually that I am aware of. If your machine went to sleep and the docker stopped obviously it won’t update during that time but once it’s resumed I would imagine it will resume its normal schedule. Not entirely sure how the interval works, if it’s based on a last run time stamp, or something else.

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There is an experimental fix for this in v2021.04.06.2356. I've tried it on TPIR and it works well now. It should also work on Vevo, WeatherNation and other problematic channels.


I tried this on Pluto Channel "Fail Army" and it went to commercial, played those commercials, and then came back. However, about 5 seconds after coming back, it froze and I had to back out.

I also tried this on TVE Channel "AS - Robot Chicken". It did not go to commercial pause, but did come back. However, it was then "out of sync" on time from that point forward.