Pluto for Channels

Follow this. Run from a windows CMD prompt (may need an admin CMD prompt), not powershell.

Before I saw HankLloydRight's reply, I changed the port to the one I use for frndlytv and the pulls were successful.

However, it doesn't seem to have completed properly as at the end of the feedback was

...docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint pluto-for-channels (69595319a2f0969974c347e5d3d3bb98f89bfd1a72c6ced28661c3f46c588254): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.

Does this mean I need to insert the IP address of the host PC?

You can't use the same port that your Frndly docker is using.

Good to know.

Changing the port from 8183 to 8184 cleared up that error, but this time there were no pulls.and the status page ( is not found.

I take that back - the page is found but the links for Playlist and EPG go to "Not Found"

Switch gears and use Hank's method. Very many of us have been down both roads before. Hank's method is 1000x easier to install and maintain.

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That's what I'll do. Do I have to install jsnode on the host computer? Of is it just a matter of creating a custom channel and using the links provided on

Oh, THIS is what I was missing. I was using Powershell AND I didn't run the pull first.

But alas! I still get the Playlist and EPG links to a 404 Not Found page.

Now on to Hanks' method.

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Yes, this. No extra software is required on your side.

Using the links from nocords, I discovered a new error:

invalid source url: open The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

I'm afraid this may be happening because our network at home has been plagued with DNS errors on a daily basis.

Nevermind - it worked the next time I tried it.

It's been a couple years since I last used Pluto and I had no idea it had so many channels!

Anyway - Thanks all!

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The link you used had a : at the end causing the error

The text file I created to document my efforts didn't have the colon after the m3u, so I think that's something that was added by the error string builder. My experience was pretty consistent with the kind of effects I'm familiar with from our DNS errors. There was just no "Retry" option in the Custom Channel builder and entering everything again worked the second time, thankfully.

BTW - I'm very appreciative of what you've done to make things so much easier for the Channels community. Thanks!

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Your initial attempt failed because you typed john instead of jon

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The "h" just jumped in there from muscle memory, lol. That's why I cut-and-pasted and kept a log after that hiccup. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I just expanded on this a bit more for those looking for more detailed directions:

I had Pluto working fine on my Synology NAS for a long time, but recently I have stopped getting guide data. It is possible the loss of guide data coincided with changing some security settings on my NAS. Are there any ports that need to be forwarded for Pluto to work properly in Channels? If not, what would be the recommended troubleshooting steps to try to figure out why I'm not getting guide data anymore?

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It appears to be the Pluto source as mine is missing guide data for many channels and no errors in my docker container log.

About half of the channel listings I have don't start until 2am tomorrow morning. Guide info missing until then. The other half have normal listings.

Had the container refetch from Pluto and the DVR refetch from the container and everything is back to normal. :man_shrugging:

Check your docker container log.
When it grabs guide data it will show this. Any errors would display after these lines in the log.

[INFO] Grabbing EPG...

I'm also not seeing the issue you are describing (have +/-24hrs of guide data for every one of my stations), but I've also switched to the @joagomez Docker:

Thanks. I didn't realize there were different ones that used Docker.

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No worries; it's like 4 days old!