Pluto For Dummies

I want to access Pluto through Channels. I have read hundreds of postings about Pluto/Channels, but the more I read, the less I know how to get this running.

I'm running a Windows 10 server 24/7, which runs the latest DVR Beta. I don't have Docker, nor do I know what it is. I have no idea what M3U is.

I gather I need to start with the following steps:

  1. Find Docker on the web.
  2. Install Docker on my Windows machine (any settings I should know about)
  3. Create something called a container.
  4. Install a special Channels script in this container.
    From here, I'm lost.

Can someone point me to the information I need or explain in the simplest steps on what I should do. Please start with where I can get Docker for Windows.



There is no Pluto for Dummies. It's a rule.

Just kidding. If you were using Linux, I would walk you through it, but I will defer to someone who's familiar with Docker on Windows. By the way, your steps 3 and 4 can be combined. The script creates the container. At least it does in Linux.

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If you can't figure out docker you could try this route:


I have several posts previously where I had issues. Thought it might be worth mentioning that several updates from Docker and a couple from the creator of the container posted on github seem to have made my issues go away completely.


I think you missed the "Dummies" part of my post. I looked at the URLs quoted and have no idea on what to do with them.

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Youtube is your friend. Search for how to install docker on windows 10 (assuming that is your os). Start there and get docker up and running. If you want to understand more about how docker works, Google it...
Start there then move on to importing the container after you have mastered that.

That part is explained in the Custom Channels docs

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1.) Install Docker.

2.) Create container here use CMD prompt. (use the Docker pull command at bottom of the page).

3.) SET UP ... docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels
Again use CMD prompt and paste the command.

4.) Add Source to Channels.

Use the ip address of the docker machine rather than


I installed Docker.

"docker pull jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels"

Gives me:

Using default tag: latest
error during connect: In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run with elevated privileges to connect.: Post "http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/images/create?fromImage=jonmaddox%2Fpluto-for-channels&tag=latest": open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.

I ran this in a command window with admin privs.

What am I doing wrong?


Have a go at googling to find a solution....
I found this with a couple min of searching

I used a regular CMD prompt and it worked with no errors, first try.

edit... Set docker to start on boot and reboot. Does it start normally? Then try again with the standard CMD prompt.

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I have been working on this for hours. As far as I can tell at this point, Docker will not run on my hardware because there is no way to turn on virtualization. My Windows version (Pro) supports it, but there is no BIOS option to turn it on. My Processor is:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz

"NOTE 1: Hyper-V needs hardware virtualization as prerequisite."

What is my next step?

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Odd.. it should be in the bios. What model of computer do you have?

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Your processor and your motherboard has to support it. Google your motherboard model and the word virtualization

A cursory google search for i7-4770 virtualization indicates that the processor supports it. If you can't find a BIOS setting for it, you should probably look for a BIOS update. (The 4770 is a pretty old processor.)

If you succeed in getting virtualization turned on, the next step is to install WSL2. Google that.

Once you get WSL2 installed, the next step is to install Linux. You can easily install Ubuntu from the Windows Store.

The next step is to install Docker. Once again, Google that. I don't recall if there is any setup/configuration you need to do after installing Docker.

Finally, the description of the Pluto package on Maddox's github page includes a single command that you can run from CMD or PowerShell that will download the Pluto package and run it. The only thing I recall changing in that command is the exposed port number that is mapped to port 80.

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@jtanderson, You have really helped me here. This gives me a lot to work on.

Thanks, much.

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I updated BIOS, did a lot of other things, and got Docker working.

The only thing I don't know what to do with now are the source settings.

Do I refresh the URL or not? What does this do?

Do I ignore channel numbers?

I think I am almost there.

I guess you are asking about the Custom Channel settings in the DVR server. This is what I have. (I have Pluto exposed on port 8090.)

You definitely need to refresh the url every 3 hours because not much data gets loaded for whatever reason.

Thanks for sharing the information and links regarding setting up the M3U source. I used those two links and it works great. I'm bringing in 316 channels.

I have had some occasions where after tuning to a channel, within about 30 seconds, the channel will say "lost connection". I have to go to another channel and come back in and it works fine. I'm running DVR server on a Windows 10 PC and I am using an Apple 4Ktv for viewing.

Has anyone else had a similar experience?