Pluto quit getting guide info

As the title says, sometime yesterday Pluto stopped getting the guide info. Docker was stopped and restarted. Plus I even shut restarted the whole computer (Mac mini). It will not refresh the guide data. Any ideas? I am on the stable release right now 2021.02.04.1931.

Same thing happened to me.

So I reinstalled the Docker and then I went into the settings and for the Guide data for Pluto TV I picked Redownload XMLTV and I now have guide info for pluto. I should have tried redownloading before i reinstalled because it's possible that's all I needed to do so try that first.

There was a bug based on the epg data at a certain time yesterday that caused it to crash.

It has been fixed. You should update your docker image and restart.


That's what I do. Every day I just hit redownload guide data & everything is good.

Thanks for all your hard work. I've looked around, but can't find the command to update the docker?

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Not sure if that entire string could be run as is, but breaking it down worked perfectly. Thank You

docker stop pluto-for-channels
docker rm pluto-for-channels
docker pull jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8989:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels

If you follow the link, you will see it is 4 distinct commands to run. The forum software strips formatting from excerpted text for linked posts.

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Thanks. I’ll give it a shot later tonight.