Pluto TV guide not happening?

My grasp of all things Docker/Pluto is shaky at best, but I got it working for some time (great big thanks to helpful folks here!) - but it appears all day I've had no EPG.... I looked in the Docker log, and it updated at 12:40am today, but there's nothing being displayed now, nor about 6 hours ago. I can tune Pluto (Apple TV 4K, ver. 2021.03.06.0114).... but reloading the M3U, or the XMLTV does nothing....? Thanks for any guidance.... - Jon

Same situation here, I ended up deleting it and re-adding. It works, but I have to manually re-load the xml manually at least once a day. Container is on the same box as server, tried using localhost/ ip at various times and the behavior is the same.

When you set up your provider make it 3 hours. By default it is daily. But Pluto only provides 6 to 12 hours of info, so refresh 3 hours is what I suggest. There is nothing in the docker container to set up for refresh times. If your getting channels in your guide then the docker is running.

I've tried 3 and 6, still have to manually refresh frequently.

Try the actual IP Address and see if that matters. I don't see anything in the docker container that would not cause it to update. You only have one instance of the container running correct. Also make sure that the container is set to always start is case it shutdowns.

Make sure that your options on the source are set similar as shown. I have a couple of instances of containers running so my port does not match yours but 8080 is the default ports.

Upgrade the docker container


Hmm... everything seems fine on my end - I have the latest container.... set to update guide every 3 hours... using the direct IP address... I can tune Pluto, but can't get a guide. The log's last few lines:

[SUCCESS] Wrote the EPG to epg.xml!
[SUCCESS] Wrote the M3U8 tuner to playlist.m3u!
Last ran: Fri Mar 12 14:33:32 UTC 2021 - - [12/Mar/2021:15:12:08 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ChannelsDVR+XMLTV/1.0" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:12:08 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Go-http-client/1.1" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:15:13 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ChannelsDVR+XMLTV/1.0" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:15:23 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ChannelsDVR+XMLTV/1.0" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:22:41 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ChannelsDVR+XMLTV/1.0" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:22:41 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Go-http-client/1.1" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:22:45 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Go-http-client/1.1" "-" - - [12/Mar/2021:15:22:50 +0000] "GET /playlist.m3u HTTP/1.1" 200 284983 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 ChannelsDVR+XMLTV/1.0" "-"

I paste the following into at the terminal. This works for Ubuntu. Other distros you may need to omit the "sudo":

sudo docker stop pluto-for-channels
sudo docker rm pluto-for-channels
sudo docker pull jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels
sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name pluto-for-channels -p 8080:80 jonmaddox/pluto-for-channels

Been on 1.1.1 for almost 10 days now. Everything seems fine, tried every combination mentioned in this thread for a week now. Plays fine, all is well except the listing details disappear once every day or two. That tells me is something with my Win10 box.

Channels still show in the grid, just has generic name of the station instead of the details about specific episoides/movies/whatever.

Make sure the URL is http://X.X.X.X:8080/epg.xml
I couldn't get mine at first with the default local IP to work. I used the actual assigned IP then it worked.
Make sure that port forwarding 8080 is assigned in your router also.

Everything I've tweaked works, then pauses for some reason, then I have to manually reload the xml periodically. Static IP, localhost, or, it doesn't matter. Could be a bug in Docker Desktop on Win10, judging by the way it acts.

I will setup docker on my windows and see if I get the same issue as you do. I have docker on synology but the set up should be exact for windows. When you refresh does it load any programming at all.

Are you all using Docker via WSL2 on Windows? The current version requires extra steps, because it now essentially runs Docker in a virtualized Linux container through the WSL and Hyper-V.

Everything always works, except for the details about each show. My issue is the stations are listed in the grid, and I can tune them, but periodically the details about each show end until I manually re-load the xml.

I installed Docker Desktop from their site then loaded the Pluto Container. I assume the Docker container is a virtualized environment of its own?

Docker in windows is a new thing for me. I don't know where or how to get the container in Windows docker yet.

Powershell command is on the container page on Github.

Where do you set that? I can't find any place to specify a URL, except the location of the M3U playlist. (and I think it's getting that one fine - I can see the channels, and can tune them.)