Poster Images

Within external live tv m3u tuner. I've noticed that movie posters are correct at 2:3 but TV show posters are blown up at 4:3. This is the channels m3u url I'm using to connect my m3u tuner to channels dvr http://ipaddr:8089/devices/ANY/channels.m3u?format=ts is there a way to force all posters on any channel to use 2:3? Channels DVR is working great as far as performance goes. This is my only issue thus far. Any ideas are appreciated. A fix would be AWESOME!!!

Tv art in Channels is 4:3.

See this section of the documentation for Custom Channel artwork:

I will look into racameron advice. I think channels should do 2:3 accross the board, as a standard, since it seems to be a standard in 3rd party m3u tuners. At least in my experience and testing.

DirecTV solely uses poster art (2:3). Personally, I prefer placards (4:3), as they are easier to read from 10 feet away.

I get that but as a self hoster I'm looking for a solution to force 2:3, since the 3rd party server I'm using requires 2:3. I strictly use CDVR to serve the m3u to my primary server. Wether it's in a m3u url served by channels dvr server or TV everywhere, etc doesn't matter. I just need a way to force 2:3 when grabbing channel, epg data tv art. I'm bit of a perfectionist, sorry if this seems petty. Maybe a setting change could added to CDVR that would allow users to configure this option?

Decisions like art aspect are made based on the app experience we’ve spent years designing and making decisions for. Our app is the priority.

Features like m3u exporting are an affordance we make because it’s too easy to not to, and it’s fun and extensible.

Changing our art aspect decision based on a feature that less than a percent of our fans use isn’t something we’d ever do.


Bummer. But can't argue with that as you are the devs. You've built a great piece of software. It works really well with the sources that I'm using so I have no complaints in that regard. You've all done a great job with this project. If I could ask, I've had some trouble in finding some solid info on connecting to CDVR using m3u url's. What are the m3u url's that CDVR provides to connect an m3u tuner to CDVR?

You need to restate this, as it makes no sense. Internally Channels does not use M3U playlists; they are either for import (Custom Channel), or for export to other software.

For the initial thread about exporting M3U playlists from Channels, see this:

This is what I'm looking for, the export to other software. Apologies if I was unclear. Just wanting to know what arguments/conditions I can add to the url that channels supports. I'm currently using this export url since it's the only url I've found thus far.


I believe the M3U export supports the following query parameters (but I am not wholly certain):

  • format
  • acodec
  • vcodec
  • group
  • collection

The XMLTV endpoint supports:

  • duration (in seconds)
  • start (in epoch)

Also, the ANY path can be substituted with the DeviceID/internal identifier to limit your export (such as 1321F1DE for a HDHomeRun device, or TVE-DTV for a DirecTV TV Everywhere source).

(Again, this is not exhaustive, and may be incorrect. If you wish to continue this, please open a separate thread to keep threads on topic.)