Potential new DVR user with a few questions

Am considering using the Channels DVR but have a few questions I don’t see answered in your FAQ’s.

  1. How does the DVR resolve recording conflicts, i.e. how will it notify me and let me manage them.

  2. Will the DVR allow you to set a manual time based recording, i.e. record channel 750 on Thursday, February 22, 2018 from 6:15 PM to 7:00 PM.

  3. Can you schedule a series recording to record…
    a) only NEW episodes
    b) both NEW and REPEAT episodes
    c) ALL episodes that air meaning including duplicates
    d) limit the recordings to a single channel number

  4. If I schedule a series recording to record only NEW episodes and…
    a) I see a REPEAT episode in the guide I also want can I schedule that as an individual, one off recording without interfering with the existing NEW only series recording.
    b) I see it’s going to record an episode I don’t want (like a 3-4 hour compilation or a sneak peek) can I cancel just that individual episode without interfering with the existing NEW only series recording.

There is currently no notification. You would need to look at your Schedule and manage conflicts yourself.

There is no manual time based recording, per se. However you can add a time qualifier to a season pass, so it only matches episodes which air on a certain day of the week or time (or both).

You can setup a season pass to record either NEW or ALL. The DVR will never record the same episode more than once, however. There is an advanced setting on passes to re-record previously recorded episodes if they have been deleted already. There is an advanced setting for channel number as well.

Sure, you can record anything off the guide manually.

Sure, you can skip any recording in your schedule.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Not sure I understand. Will the conflicting recordings be highlighted or marked somehow in the Recording Schedule, or would I have to look at every recording and figure it out on my own?

Highlighting conflicts is a planned feature, but right now you have to figure it out on your own based on how many HDHRs and tuners you have, and whatever other apps might be using them.

Thanks for the honest reply. I’ll revisit using Channels DVR when that’s implemented.

This hasn’t been a problem for us, because you can rank/prioritize all of your “subscriptions” and the higher the priority show recieves the tie-break. So, you set your preferences in advance, and it automaticallys resolves them when any conflicts arise.

Of course, add more tuners, and you’ll avoid conflicts in the first place.

Good to know, BUT how does it notify you that it automatically resolved a conflict, i.e. what recording got cancelled.

I get that you want to be notified of any conflict. It does not do that. I agree it would be nice if it notified you if you were bumping up against tuner limits, but, in practice, (for my family) this is more of a theoretical concern than a practical problem, because you basically make the same decision you would if it notified you; you still have to decide which show trumps which other, except you make that decision in advance, and it takes care of it automatically from there on out. So, we don’t miss/desire notifications.

But, if it were a problem for your family, you could simply add more tuners. We have two HDHR Primes ($60ea used on ebay,) providing a total of six distinct tuners. Channels seamlessly uses the 6 tuners, and I doubt we’ve ever needed to record six things simultaneously. If we’ve ever had a conflict, we’ve never noticed. The combo of pre-prioritization and/or as many tuners as you want seems to adequately avoid/solve the problem.

Thanks. I do appreciate the response but for us it’s a show stopper. Like I said, I’ll be checking in and will try it when it notifies us of a recording conflict. Just highlighting the conflict in a red/orange/yellow background or something would be nice. The wife says whatever I get it better record what she tells it to and if it can’t it better tell her why. Not going to buy more tuners or rent more cable cards to get around it.

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My wife was super concerned about this part too. Once I added a second device and had enough tuners that conflicts weren’t even a possibility anymore and there was never a time a recording wasn’t made, she was happy and didn’t even think about conflicts anymore.

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Can’t believe I didn’t notice this before.:blush:

Is it true I can use the same Channels DVR with both HDHR Prime and HDHR Connect Duo tuners connected?

If so, can I set the DVR to first try recording from the Duo for OTA broadcasts and then use the Prime if the episode can’t be found on the Duo or the Duo is busy?

If this will work I shouldn’t encounter any recording conflicts and will try out the Channels DVR!

Yep. You can as many tuners of as you want, both cable and OTA.

Yes you can reorder your tuner priority in the DVR web UI.

Thanks! I’m going to trial it.

Never mind, just figured out I need to click on #channels in DVR settings and not pencil icon for DVR.

Have DVR installed and setup.
How do I disable some of my channels? I have them disabled using the HDHR Web UI at http://HDHRPrimeIPaddr/lineup.html but all my subscribed channels are showing up in the Channels DVR.

Thanks for a great product and support.
Just wanted to report back that I’ve been using it for a couple days and am impressed so far.
Install was quick and painless.
Setting up DVR and getting guide info was easy (21 days of guide is a plus).
Just using the DVR and Web interface now to trial.
iPad Channels App later if DVR works out.
Your Support Forum is nice and you seem very responsive to your users.

Look forward to using the DVR and iOS/iPad app!


Just my 2 cents. I have the HD Homerun Quatro with 4 tuners. Never really worried about conflicts. The number of channels I’m really watching is a handful. Your case may be different if you are using it for cable channels and have a lot more to record.

Just wanted to report back and thank everyone for the help so far.
I’m getting used to Channels DVR and loving it so far.
Still trying out the features (that I can find)…
One suggestion would be to make a WiKi on the basics and how to use features instead of putting it into the help in the Web UI or Apps, which isn’t there. Maybe a Beginners Guide kind of thing…:wink:


Thanks! Docs are in the plans.