Pre-release update weirdness

Earlier today I tried to update the server to the pre-release and it woudn't restart or something. I had to go run some errands so I just had a chance to check in on it again. The server didn't restart on it's own. I went into the computer where it is located and manually started it. Everything seems to be working fine. The logs have a whole stream of errors but I cannot post it as it is too many characters.

How can I post the log? I can't seem to see a way to upload a text file.

Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

Ah, forgot about that one. It's been so long since I needed to submit logs.

Just did that - cefb8655-b7f3-47e7-9813-b2019bfdcd09

This is a strange crash. We haven't had this reported before, so we'll make a note of it and keep an eye on if others on Windows also report these crashes on startup. Thanks for the diagnostics!

You bet!

Like I said, I have never had an issue after all the years of running pre-release updates. All I had to do was manually re-start and all is good. Nothing seems to be messed up.