Preparing your tv takes a long time

APK installs fine. It crashes to home screen on launch. I'm sideloading

Please capture and email the adb logs to support

Please try this beta:

@tmm1 This did not fix my problem with the beta. In fact, I am now not able to open the official app from the app store. It, too, crashes to desktop. Please revert these changes. I do not seem to be able to install the nonbeta version of the server to try and fix this.

So you sideloaded that new apk and it still crashes? Are you able to capture the logs?

@tmm1 I did. It crashes to the home screen so I cannot capture the logs so behavior is the same as before.

The big problem is that the version from the app store that I use daily is now crashing to home screen when opened. I cannot capture logs on this one either. I am not able to use Channels on this tv any longer since upgrading the server. Can you revert ASAP?

Amazon does not give us an option to revert. We need to fix the issue and upload a new apk to them and then wait for them to review it.

How are you installing the new apk? Using adb presumably? Or adbLink? Or Downloader app?

I mean can you revert the server changes that appear to have broken the app store version I am using.

To be clear, I've been using the app store version of Channels and everything was working fine. I update Channels server to latest beta in hopes that sideloaded beta would work but it did not. The app store version that has been working for the past year is not working at all now. I am not experiencing any other problems with other apps so I do not believe it is a faulty device.

I am guessing that something in the server beta has broken the app store version as that is the only thing to change. I tried to check this by downgrading the server to stable release but I could not get that to happen in the webui. Told me I was already up to date when checking for stable release.

I'd very much like to get this fixed as we do use that TV daily.

I am sideloading by downloading the apk and installing on the firetv stick as I have done in the past. At this point I don't care about the beta apk so much as I do getting Channels running again with the stable app from the app store.

This is not related to server changes. We uploaded v4.1.1 to Amazon and they released it to your device. It has a bug that we're trying to track down.

It would be helpful if you can elaborate on how you're installing the beta apk, so I can give you instructions on how to capture the logs which will help me fix the apk and upload a new version to Amazon.

Okay. I did not realize that the app store version had updated itself.

In regards to installing the beta, I downloaded the apk using the method you outlined above. I saved that to a network drive and then used a file explorer on the fire stick to browse to that location and install the apk. I have done this without problem with many sideloaded applications including previous versions of Channels beta with great success short of the latest beta.

Can you provide a download link to the previous app store APK that I can sideload to get the tv working again?

Could you try the new beta, I think it has a fix.

@tmm1 Happy to report that channels-dvr-301192217.apk did install and open as expected. It is functioning fine and I am able to watch tv again. Let me know if you need me to do further testing. Thanks for your quick service on the fix.

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Please try the latest beta to make sure that one also works. You can update using Settings > Support > Install Beta

Maybe I'm not understanding but I have no luck trying to install beta from within the app. I'll try sideloading a new beta soon.

I'm asking you to try it again.

I did. It did not work. Gave the same parse error I always get.

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Thanks. The parse error is fixed going forward, and should work after you sideload the newer build.

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Sorry it took so long. I did sideload the beta from four days ago and did an upgrade from within the app and it worked like you described. Confirmed working. This has never worked for me on that firestick before this and I am very happy to be able to update this way. Thanks for your great service and work on this.

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