PREVIEW: Library Collections and Virtual Channels (v2021.07.16.2141)

Which version was that fixed in? I am on 2021.08.01.1442 and my virtual channel is still only going out about 24 hours…

Stupid question, but do you have more than 24 hours worth of content to populate the virtual channel?

I wondered about that too, wasn’t sure if it would do repeats.. I just checked and there are a total of 66 episodes around 24 minutes each so if I’m doing the math right that’s about 26.4 hours total. So, pretty close to 24 hours, so maybe that’s what’s happening. I assumed if your content was shorter than the target guide length it would loop the content as much as needed to extend to the target.

Can we get an option to disable the ability to change visibility at the client level please? I don’t want to curate a library only to have one of my kids change it on me…. Thanks!

Two problems here with Virtual Channels

On CCwGTV - I get playback failed
on Android phone - I get audio playback but black screen

Are you using the beta? Not sure if it’s supported in the regular android release yet.

Which decoder are you using on the client? Have you tried software?

CCwGTV - I think I am using the beta - will check when it is free

Android phone - works fine with other regular channels - just virtual channels are audio only. that said - I don't think my channels app on the phone is a beta

Further info - installed Channels DVR beta on the phone. I have 3 virtual channels - 2 work fine, one is audio only.

You should check the codec and format of the content that isn’t playing back video.

I am still having problems with the guide. I have a Star Wars channel with the 11 Star Wars films and he guide is empty at 8 PM. No matter how many times I refresh it doesn’t fail past 8 PM.

Star Wars fans should be in bed by 8pm :wink:
Hope you sort it out

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Not sure what the guide offset window is, I’m used to seeing guide refreshes before 11 but this morning by 11:15 AM the guide still hadn’t refreshed yet so my 26.5 hours of content ran out and the channel hung. I know it’s early days, but at least I know exactly what is causing this issue for me now. I manually triggered guide refresh and I’m back up and running again.

Thanks that's helpful. It's supposed to be minimum of 48h. I think I fixed the bug in the next build.

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The new update fixes my issue. Thanks!

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Server beta Version 2021.08.03.0038

I cannot seen to delete an item from a movie collection

THIS is exactly what I've been wanting to do for years now. I've tinkered with other solutions that weren't very straightforward, and I am overjoyed to see Channels DVR incorporating it. I have a collection of about 250 live concerts, and they've been sitting relatively dormant on my media drive for awhile now. I'm setting up a virtual channel that can just play these concerts automatically on channel 10000 via Channels DVR on my AppleTV now and I'm really excited about it. Thanks yet again, Channels developers!

When I tried this, it didn't work, I still had all of these concerts listed in my "Movies" list.

This, however, is working fine, thanks for such a smart implementation! I am manually making each of these concerts "hidden" and adding them to the "Concerts" virtual channel.

Just a few questions though, as with 250 files it's started off as a pretty tedious exercise.
I imported all of these files as "movies" (even though they're not really movies or TV shows) but I didn't know how else to handle them.

Then they all appear in my Movies library, so I am now manually clicking each one in the webUI, one at a time, to mark them as hidden, so they don't clutter my library or appear anywhere else, and also add them to the "Concerts" collection, which is what's feeding my "Concerts" virtual channel. I've done 25 files so far and decided to ask before I put more clicking work into it. Is there a way to bulk add files for this purpose, that aren't TV shows or movies, but other video content? I have collections of classic TV commercials, and music videos too, and they would be perfectly suited for virtual channels, but it would be great if there was an easier way to funnel these new imports in directly without all of the cleanup work required afterwards. Is there a way to mark many selections at once as "hidden" and also members of the "Concerts" collection? Either upon import or some time afterwards? Or is the only way to do this, one at a time?

The bigger issue I'm experiencing is that during the import, Channels DVR is trying to match my concert files with actual movies, and it's never accurate. When I try to correct them, I'm only offered other wrong choices. I'd rather just leave these files unmatched with their original filename as the default. Is that possible? If not I'll have very many that ended up like this that I'll have to sadly exclude.

Thanks for any advice or consideration of such feature enhancements. This is awesome :slight_smile:

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The only thing that Channels supports is Movies and Shows. This is a current limitation that can't be worked around at the moment. We've said many times that imports is only for Movies and TV Shows.

As for bulk managing, use the DVR -> Manage section of the web admin and you can bulk edit things. (Hidden as an option for visibility for bulk editing isn't in there, i'll add it real quick for the next pre-release).

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I cannot seem to view movie collections on my FireTV... I select Library and collections do not show up? What am I doing wrong... I am using the latest beta.

Collections have not been added to the Android app yet.

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Thanks OK

Ok thanks, I wasn't aware of this, as I haven't really used Channels for anything other than DVR. I do recall early last year when I first tried importing some of my local movie library, I struggled with some of the forced/mismatched metadata Channels automatically assigned. And I couldn't figure out a "manual override" when it was incorrect, so I just went back to iTunes and Home Sharing for those movies instead. I played around with PlexPass and found that overly complicated for my needs, when what I really wanted was everything in the unified Channels interface.

Today, Virtual Channels is the nudge that got me considering importing some of my previous content again, this time with just live concerts (as movies.) If there's no way to just assign "No match, please just use its filename" then obviously this isn't going to work for me, at least not with those files.

But I'm still seeing the same thing happen with actual movies too, without a correct match assigned or available to choose from, so maybe I'm confused.

Great, thanks very much for that!