Prioritizing comskip processing among recordings that finish simultaneously

Is it intended behavior for comskip processing of recordings to take into account of the prioritization of season passes to decide which recordings to process first? I’m not seeing this behavior, and it would be nice to have this (or some alternative) implemented to force commercial detection on one recording over another. I have 2-3 shows that record at the same time and know which ones I’m likely to watch first.

Keep in mind that comskip is highly single-threaded. So if you have at least as many CPU cores as you have recordings finishing simultaneously, this isn't really an issue as they can all comskip at the same time.

Edit: As others have pointed out below, apparently comskip runs serially so the other cores aren't used.

I'll let the devs give the final answer, but comskip runs on the first completed recording, no prioritizing based on season pass or priority of recordings.

By default it runs only one instance and waits for it to finish before running another.

You can modify how many threads (processes) it uses while doing its work, but it will not process more than one recording at a time, regardless of that setting. Unless there's been a change I'm unaware of.

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This has been my experience as well. I have not seen any simultaneous processing of recordings and I’m not sure it’s possible with Channels (unless there is a setting I’m unaware of).

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Thanks for setting the record straight about that!

I've had SageTV comskip up to 4 recordings simultaneously, while all 4 shows are still live - multiple instances of comskip processes appear in task manager. So, those are (2) items that should be happening by default. At the very least, there should be a setting to control how many recordings can be processed at the same time for folks with deficient hardware.