Prioritizing which channel to record

I record most of my major network tv from my antenna. That said my NBC gets bad reception and the recordings are garbled. I also have direct tv stream or whatever it is called these days. How can I instruct the DVR to record from the direct tv steam and not the antenna ?

You need to Favor the Channels you prefer that simple.

How do I do that? Can I do it through the Apple TV app or do I need to log on from computer

Like @Edwin_Perez said, favorite in the Manage Lineup of your DirectTV Stream source (filled heart), and make sure it is not Favorite (open heart) in the OTA source.


If your nbc is constantly bad, just hide it, and then it won’t ever be used.

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Actually it was my ABC , but doesn’t really matter. I’m logged i to DVR on laptop right now.

So how do I navigate to the screen you are showing me?

Click the gear next to your source and select Manage Lineup

One other thing you can do to weed out your fussy OTA ABC channel is to exclude the channel from the pass. So you would go to the pass, select advanced, and add condition "Channel != ##.#". The number signs being the channel number.

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Ok I went to manage line up on my ota hdhomerun. And selected the negative button for both the local ota ABC stations. Then I went to directv stream gear and manage line up and no abc. lots of other channels though. Is it a TVE problem?

You probably need to check Experimental, Local TV Networks via TVE and make sure it is toggled on. Experimental is near the bottom of the main settings page. If it is already on, maybe toggling it off then back on may help.

Ok how do I get to that screen?

Bottom of the main settings screen.

I found it. I clicked and it said browser failed to retrieve geo location ….

It is working now. I was able go into manage line up in my directtv stream and abc showed up and I was able to click on the heart. Hopefully that will work, I’ll keep u posted. Thank you all so much helping. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Great. Just keep in mind, since you hid those two OTA channels, they are hidden everywhere. So they will not show in any of your guides either. But you do have ABC now available through TVE so that shouldn't be a problem. You'll just have to remember your local ABC is channel 6001 now.

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Hi, use it better to use TVE versions instead of available OTA?

Also, my settings don't seem to have that option available.

Ahm. Nevermind, I understand TVE better now. You need an actual TV provider to have access to TVE.

Depends on the user. Some people preferer OTA/Prime to TVE for some channels because the TVE may be at 720 while the OTA is 1080. TVE is just 2.0 Stereo whereas OTA may be Dolby 5.1 surround. Some people prefer the TVE to OTA because TVE doesn't eat up tunners. Some TVE Channels can use ChannelsDVR Smart Commercial detection as opposed to Comskip, whereas the Homerun OTA/Prime devices do not use the new Smart Commercial detection. Some people like the new Smart Detection. However, some people prefer Comskip to the new Smart Detection so they will prefer OTA to TVE.

As far as the missing Experimental Local Networks via TV Everywhere. Well, I have never seen that before. Do you even have a TVE source setup?