Problem connecting from Android TV

I am trying to remotely connect to my home server using Tailscale. I am able to connect to the server from my laptop but when I try to connect (home) on Android TV (Tivo Stream 4k) using the ip address, I get a message
Error A Channels DVR server was not found at
which is the IP address that I am connecting to via my computer.

Did you try inputting IP manually.?

I selected the IP address from the list of past IP addresses. It is the IP address of my server (Fixed IP) on my home network. Tailscale is up. I can connect to it from my laptop. It just fails from Android TV. I rebooted and confirmed that Tailscale is running.

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It just connected. I am using Tmobile Home Internet at the remote home so it may be flakiness in that.

To add - connected but now losing connection frequently with lots of stutters. It's rooted in TMHI being screwey.

Are using the actual Tailscale ip of the server? This should be an ip address that starts with
Not an ip that starts with 192.
Tailscale needs to be enabled on both the server and the TiVo stream 4k and connect via home at the start of the app.

There are actually two ways to connect via Tailscale.

  1. as you described, using the tailscale assigned IP address, having the Channels DVR server Tailscale enabled and having the android client Tailscale enabled

  2. alternatively, one can have a subnet router on the Channels server LAN which enables using that LAN's IP addresses across the TS network, a TS enabled client (as above).

I've done both. For me, #1 has never worked but #2 has been generally reliable. I believe what I am experiencing today are limitations of the TMobile Home Internet service.

With Tailscale's MagicDNS (which I'd highly recommend), you don't need to use the IP address at all, but rather the hostname (without the domain name). And, if you take it a step further, and make sure your home network is properly configured to resolve local hostnames -- then it doesn't matter whether Tailscale is active or not when on your home network.

No need to switch, or remember IP addresses -- it's the same hostname(s) everywhere for everything.

But I don't know how to enter the hostname into Channels Android App when it asks me for the DVR Server (as an IPv4 address).

It asks for an IP address, but you can also use a hostname: