That's created for you by the One-Click Action. Refresh your browser if you don't see the new source in the CDVR webUI.
Added Samsung successfully as well, and refreshed the Channels, but still nothing
What did you use for your CHANNELS_DVR_HOST value?
local:8089. Does that need to match my MAC IP?
Yes. And again, don't include the port, just the IP.
Once you have that fixed in OliveTin, stop the two stacks you created (tubi and samsung) and then delete the stacks. That'll allow you to start the whole process over.
Look for any errors in Standard Output
when you deploy a stack using Project One-Click, and typically keep Standard Error
in a collapsed state -- so you're not seeing all that debug info for successful deployments.
That worked! You're awesome. Thank you so much.
Hopefully last question: I added my username and password to MLB but get this error:
JSON response from
{"message":"failed to deploy a stack: Network mlbserver_default Creating\nNetwork mlbserver_default Created\nContainer mlbserver Creating\nContainer mlbserver Created\nContainer mlbserver Starting\nError response from daemon: Mounts denied: \nThe path /data/mlbserver is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker.\nYou can configure shared paths from Docker -\u003e Preferences... -\u003e Resources -\u003e File Sharing.\nSee Change settings | Docker Docs for more info.\n","details":"failed to deploy a stack: Network mlbserver_default Creating\nNetwork mlbserver_default Created\nContainer mlbserver Creating\nContainer mlbserver Created\nContainer mlbserver Starting\nError response from daemon: Mounts denied: \nThe path /data/mlbserver is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker.\nYou can configure shared paths from Docker -\u003e Preferences... -\u003e Resources -\u003e File Sharing.\nSee Change settings | Docker Docs for more info.\n"}
What did I do wrong?
This is similar to one of the problems when you were deploying OliveTin. You can't tell Docker to bind to a directory on your Mac that it doesn't have permission to access.
On the Mac your best bet is to use that same /Users/<your Mac username>
as the value for HOST_DIR
I suppose that must be the case. I seem to have developed a habit of being the target of random electronic gremlins.
I thought I copied it exactly from OliveTin last night, but I'll double-check when I get home from work. Thank you.
I stopped and deleted everything to reinstall Plex from scratch using the Project One-Click action. It went along with no problems at all today.
Thanks for circling back on this. Iām happy to know this most likely falls into the anomaly category, given the reported Plex outage around the same timeframe.
I keep copying and pasting the host directory from olivetin portainer and olivetin won't let me get past that point. I enter /Users/jasontrippe and it gives me an error "invalid argument, doesn't match..." and a string of letters a nd symbols.
Edit: I took out the first back slash and at least it let me start. Then I got this error:
JSON response from
{"message":"failed to deploy a stack: service "mlbserver" refers to undefined volume Users/jasontrippe/mlbserver: invalid compose project\n","details":"failed to deploy a stack: service "mlbserver" refers to undefined volume Users/jasontrippe/mlbserver: invalid compose project\n"}
That's my fault. I know the fix, but it'll be a day before I can publish -- as I'm on my way back to the US atm.
You can try using just /Users
, but if that fails hold tight and I should be able to push an update late Wednesday.
"/Users" didn't work either, so I'll wait until you fix it. Thank you so much for what you're doing to make this project happen. Travel safely!
New bnhf/olivetin:latest (aka bnhf/olivetin:2025.02.13) pushed this morning with a fix for a regex problem in the Project One-Click mlbserver stack deployment.
Thanks @jtrippe77 for uncovering this issue!
Thank you, @bnhf! I will add it tonight when I get home. Is there anything I need to do to update to the latest olivetin build?
Stop the stack in Portainer. In the stack editor click "Update the stack" followed by selecting the Re-pull and redeploy" slider.
Hi, In my most recent installation of Frndly TV using the Project One-Click action, I noticed a new variable for Frndly TV package details:
Does this setting have any bearing on how the container functions? For instance, if someone were to accidentally choose a plan different from their subscription, will the number of streams be limited?