Provider - Frontier

Please use this thread to discuss experiences and channel availability for Frontier.

Current Status: All subscribed TVE channels work.

Select your provider here Channels Support - TV Everywhere Availability to see what channels might be available with Channels DVR TVE

I went to watch comedy central this morning and i get a message that it is not tveverywhere supported. I tried rescan the channel but nothing is happening. and now it does not show up on my lineup. I went to the comedy central website and my log in works. so i'm not sure if it was removed from the tveverywhere list?

Please send the exact error message and screenshot to

We've discovered Frontier is moving their authentication servers and that has broken some channels. The issue should be fixed in the latest DVR build.

Click-and-hold the Check For Update button, and after it upgrades try rescan on Comedy Central again. Let us know if that works.

I will check when I get home. Thanks again