Provider - YouTube TV

Running on a Mac mini and cant get in. I get the following despite the browser I use (safari, Firefox, Chrome)

[TVE] action=tvejs msg="googleLoginPassword browser or app may not be secure"

@tmm1 Is there any work around on this for windows? 2FA is off for google accounts when I tried it.

I tried a bunch of things yesterday and could not get it working. Google is blocking the logins from the headless chrome used for TVE login.

I'm not sure why it still works for some people and not others.

After giving up on my Windows install I set up Channels today on my Ubuntu 20.04 box that runs my Plex server, and not a bit of problem getting into YTTV TVE.

Has anyone tried docker on Windows to overcome the YTTV login issue?

Yes someone reported that it works in Docker

Much like others have said before, I was unable to get it to connect using my main you tube tv account. After creating another “shell email” and adding it to my YouTube family, it added/synced just fine.

Yup. That is what I had to do as well.

I tried this with a buddy just to see if it worked and it did now - same error. He had never been in my family account until today. Another interesting thing to note is he mis-understood me and used a different account - one he has subscribed to youtube tv himself and it worked but that account is a google apps account with a custom domain... I will do some more testing but thought that was interesting to note. @tmm1 are they any cons to using the Docker version of native windows at this point?

It shouldn't have to do anything with a free trial version of YTTV would it? I am trying it out now. Not sure if that would be an issue or not.

I also wonder if this has anything to do with the packages I subscribe to. I have Entertainment Plus
and 4K Plus on my plan - my buddy had neither. Curious of the one who are not working vs the ones who are if they do or do not have either of those packages.

I have the 4k plan and HBO Max. Not sure who asked but it worked for me as a test on Docker Desktop fine with my account that doesn’t work on Windows. Keep in mind that’s running on WSL2 so Linux.

So I just setup a new gmail account and got a 14 day free trial of YTTV without 4k and I am able to setup the YTTV source in the Window installation of Channels with no issues with that account. Then I added 4k to the new trial and it still works no problem. Then I added HBO and I am still able to add the source without issues.

So now I’m completely stumped as to why only certain accounts don’t work on Windows installs only.

So I have noticed that with Mac mani server where I can use my normal YouTube login I am able to view NBCSN. On the windows server where I had to set up the family account I dont see NBCSN and two other channels.

I'm trying to set up YTTV and tried my login without success. Also tried a family account. Tried to log in to first. So I want to try Docker. Is there a link to the docker setup? I have Docker working with Pluto tv, Stirr tv. MLB so hopefully that will work for me.

Did you install the latest beta server software and did you make sure your additional family account just for youtube tv does not have two factor turned on.

I got it to work. When You go to you have to make sure after you log in to your provider and it says provider linked you will see a popup in the upper right corner that gives you a choice to setup a profile. Once I clicked setup I went to add source and input my info and all is good. It wouldn't work until I setup the profile on NBC. hope that helps someone.

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Not sure if something changed on the Nvidia Shield working with YTTV but I just set up a server on one of my Shields and the login went well and all is working. By the way it is a Shield tube.

This didn't work for me on windows. Hoping there will be a fix or work around.

Didn't work for me on Windows either. Also for the trial YTTV account I setup I didn't have to even go to the NBC site at all to get it to work successfully.

Can anybody verify that NBCSN works with the family account they set up to get this working? I just used that account on a nvidia shield and it worked but I still dont get NBCSN in my channels list like I get with using my main account on a mac mini.